Microk8s vs k3s reddit github. We will explore KudeEge and MicroK8s later.

Microk8s vs k3s reddit github Hey Reddit, TLDR: Looking for any tips, tricks or know how on mounting an iSCSI volume in Microk8s. Even in the 1. Feb 21, 2022 · Small Kubernetes for local testing - k0s, MicroK8s, kind, k3s, k3d, and Minikube Posted on February 21, 2022 · 1 minute read The conclusion here seems fundamentally flawed. This means it can take only a few seconds to get a fully working Kubernetes cluster up and running after starting off with a few barebones VPS running Ubuntu by means of apt install microk8s . Mar 21, 2022 · K3s 专门用于在具有 Docker 容器的多个集群中运行 K3s,使其成为 K3s 的可扩展和改进版本。 虽然 minikube 是在本地运行 Kubernetes 的一般不错的选择,但一个主要缺点是它只能在本地 Kubernetes 集群中运行单个节点——这使它离生产多节点 Kubernetes 环境更远一些。 Im using k3s, considering k0s, there is quite a lot of overhead compared to swarm BUT you have quite a lot of freedom in the way you deploy things and if you want at some point go HA you can do it (i plan to run 2 worker + mgmt nodes on RPI4 and ODN2 plus a mgmt only node on pizero) Great overview of current options from the article About 1 year ago, I had to select one of them to make disposable kubernetes-lab, for practicing testing and start from scratch easily, and preferably consuming low resources. 19 (August 2020). (no problem) As far as I know microk8s is standalone and only needs 1 node. For my dev usecase, i always go for k3s on my host machine since its just pure kubernetes without the cloud provider support (which you can add yourself in production). Turns out that node is also the master and k3s-server process is destroying the local cpu: I think I may try an A/B test with another rke cluster to see if it's any better. I've started with microk8s. Let’s take a look at Microk8s vs k3s and discover the main differences between these two options, focusing on various aspects like memory usage, high availability, and k3s and microk8s compatibility. You signed out in another tab or window. Qemu becomes so solid when utilizing kvm! (I think?) The qemu’s docker instance is only running a single container, which is a newly launched k3s setup :) That 1-node k3s cluster (1-node for now. I'm now looking at a fairly bigger setup that will start with a single node (bare metal) and slowly grow to other nodes (all bare metal), and was wondering if anyone had experiences with K3S/MicroK8s they could share. My single piece of hardware runs Proxmox, and my k3s node is a VM running Debian. It doesnt need docker like kind or k3d and it doesnt add magic like minikube/microk8s to facilitate ease of provisioning a cluster. 我已经完全明白k3s和MicroK8s是两个完全不同的概念。 Apr 14, 2023 · microk8s是一个非常轻量级的k8s发行版,小巧轻量安装快速是他的特点,microk8s是使用snap包安装的,所以他在Ubuntu上的体验是最好的,毕竟microk8s是Canonical公司开发的产品。 Feb 15, 2025 · In the evolving landscape of container orchestration, small businesses leveraging Hetzner Cloud face critical decisions when selecting a Kubernetes deployment strategy. I don't think there's an easy way to run Kubernetes on Mac without VMs. Considering microk8s require snap/snapd to install, I prefer k3s since it can be run without any dependencies on a bare os (such as alpine or k3os). sudo microk8s enable dns sudo microk8s enable dashboard Use microk8s status to see a list of enabled and available addons. Haha, yes - on-prem storage on Kuberenetes is a whooping mess. Not sure what it means by "add-on" but you can have K3s deploy any helm that you want when you install it and when it boots, it comes with a helm operator that does that and more. We have many choices like KubeEdge, MicroK8s, K3S, etc Among this, K3S is recently released and got huge attention. MicroK8S could be a good duo with the Ubuntu operating system. md at master · deislabs/microk8s-vscode probably some years ago I would say plain docker/dcompose, but today there are so many helm charts ready to use that use k8s (maybe lightweight version like k3s,microk8s and others) even on single node is totally reasonable for me. Use "real" k8s if you want to learn how to install K8s. If you are looking to run Kubernetes on devices lighter in resources, have a look at the table below. Add-ons for additional functionalities 关于k3s,更准确的说法是它使用的是containerd,而不是内置了Docker。从MicroK8s的行为来看,它看起来是在运行Docker。 我计划进一步调查了解使用两种嵌入式Docker命令可以做些什么(例如构建等)。 4. Have a look at https://github Edit: I think there is no obvious reason to why one must avoid using Microk8s in production. maintain and role new versions, also helm and k8s We're using microk8s but did also consider k3s. Yes, it is possible to cluster the raspberry py, I remember one demo in which one guy at rancher labs create a hybrid cluster using k3s nodes running on Linux VMs and physical raspberry py. Also I'm using Ubuntu 20. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 77 votes and 46 comments Integrating the Microk8s local Kubernetes cluster into Visual Studio Code - microk8s-vscode/README. I’d still recommend microk8s or k3s for simplicity of setup. For the those using k3s instead is there a reason not to use microk8s? In recent versions it seems to be production ready and the add-ons work well but we're open to switching. This analysis evaluates four prominent options—k3s, MicroK8s, Minikube, and Docker Swarm—through the lens of production readiness, operational complexity, and cost efficiency. Rancher just cleaned up a lot of the deprecated/alpha APIs and cloud provider resources. If you need a bare metal prod deployment - go with My company originally explored IoT solutions from both Google and AWS for our software however, I recently read that both MicroK8s and K3s are potential candidates for IoT fleets. Microk8s is great but dqlite is unstable. Jan 10, 2025 · Getting the k3s nodes using kubectl Minikube vs k3s: Pros and Cons. Provides validations in real time of your configuration files, making sure you are using valid YAML, the right schema version (for base K8s and CRD), validates links between resources and to images, and also provides validation of rules in real-time (so you never forget again to add the right label or the CPU limit to your Aug 26, 2021 · MicroK8s is great for offline development, prototyping, and testing. Or, not as far as I can tell. A better test would be to have two nodes, the first the controller running the db, api server, etc and the second just the worker node components, kubelet, network, etc. If you have multiple pis and want to cluster them, then I’d recommend full kube Reply One of the big things that makes k3s lightweight is the choice to use SQLite instead of etcd as a backend. I can't really decide which option to chose, full k8s, microk8s or k3s. I could never scale a single microk8s to the meet the number of deploys we have running in prod and dev. Full k8s allows things like scaling and the ability to add additional nodes. K3S seems more straightforward and more similar to actual Kubernetes. Easily create multi-node Kubernetes clusters with K3s, and enjoy all of K3s's features Upgrade manually via CLI or with Kubernetes, and use container registries for distribution upgrades Enjoy the benefits of an immutable distribution that stays configured to your needs I would look at things like Platform 9, Talos, JuJu, Canonical's Microk8s, even Portainer nowadays, anything that will set up the cluster quickly and get basic functions like the load balancer, ingress/egress, management etc running. I read that Rook introduces a whooping ton of bugs in regards to Ceph - and that deploying Ceph directly is a much better option in regards to stability but I didn't try that myself yet. No cloud such as Amazon or Google kubernetes. I have a couple of dev clusters running this by-product of rancher/rke. We are runnning k3s cluster for rancher. Strangely 'microk8s get pods', 'microk8s get deployment' etc. I use Microk8s to develop in VS Code for local testing. Vlans created automatically per tenant in CCR. 前言有一段时间没好好整理k8s本地开发环境了,Kubernetes官方文档曾几何时已经支持中文语言切换且更新及时,感谢背后的开源社区协作者们。本文主要记录k8s本地开发环境快速搭建选型方案,毕竟现在公有云托管型Kube… The ramp up to learn OpenShift vs deploying a microk8s cluster is way steeper. Jan 27, 2025 · You signed in with another tab or window. Jan 23, 2024 · Two distributions that stand out are Microk8s and k3s. Production ready, easy to install, half the memory, all in a binary less than 100 MB. I use Lens to view/manage everything from Vanilla Kubernetes K8s to Microk8s to Kind Docker in Kubernetes. Kubernetes Features and Support. These devices contains very low amount of RAM to work with. But when deepening into creating a cluster, I realized there were limitations or, at least, not expected behaviors. If you already have something running you may not benefit too much from a switch. You can find the addon manifests and/or scripts under ${SNAP}/actions/ , with ${SNAP} pointing by default to /snap/microk8s/current . So I decided to swap to a full, production grade version to install on my development homelab. 1. For me the easiest option is k3s. work but I cannot access the dashboard or check version or status of microk8s Running 'microk8s dashboard-proxy' gives the below: internal error, please report: running "microk8s" failed: timeout waiting for snap system profiles to get updated. As soon as you hit 3 nodes the cluster becomes HA by magic. Can just keep spinning up nodes and installing k3s as agents. K3S is full fledged Kubernetes and CNCF certified. I know k8s needs master and worker, so I'd need to setup more servers. AFAIK, the solutions that run the cluster inside docker containers (kind, k3s edit: k3d) are only ment for short lived ephemeral clusters, whereas at least k3s (I don't know microk8s that well) is explicitly built for small scale productions usage. and god bless k3d) is orchestrating a few different pods, including nginx, my gf’s telnet BBS, and a containerized K3s vs K0s has been the complete opposite for me. Prod: managed cloud kubernetes preferable but where that is unsuitable either k3s or terraform+kubeadm. 115K subscribers in the kubernetes community. K3s is going to be a lot lighter on resources and quicker than anything that runs on a VM. A full report on these experiments is submitted as a research paper for peer review. Microk8s monitored by Prometheus and scaled up accordingly by a Mesos service. K3s also does great at scale. K3s would be great for learning how to be a consumer of kubernetes which sounds like what you are trying to do. What is Microk8s? Canonical has Microk8s, SUSE has Kubic/CaaS, Rancher has k3s. But I cannot decide which distribution to use for this case: K3S and KubeEdge. It is just freakin slow on the same hardware. If you want a bit more control, you can disable some k3s components and bring your own. For example, in a raspberry py, you wouldn't run k3s on top of docker, you simply run k3s directly. There’s no point in running a single node kube cluster on a device like that. Both look great, both are in active development and are constantly getting more updates. My assumption was that Docker is open source (Moby or whatever they call it now) but that the bundled Kubernetes binary was some closed source thing. You signed in with another tab or window. I can't comment on k0s or k3s, but microk8s ships out of the box with Ubuntu, uses containerd instead of Docker, and ships with an ingress add-on. 总结. K3s has a similar issue - the built-in etcd support is purely experimental. Some co-workers recommended colima --kubernetes, which I think uses k3s internally; but it seems incompatible with the Apache Solr Operator (the failure mode is that the zookeeper nodes never reach a quorum). It's a 100% open source Kubernetes Dashboard and recently it released features like Kubernetes Resource Browser, Cluster Management, etc to easily manage your applications and cluster across multiple clouds/ on-prem clusters like k3s, microk8s, etc. If you want even more control over certain components, that you don't get with k3s, use kubeadm. Even K3s passes all Kubernetes conformance tests, but is truly a simple install. On Mac you can create k3s clusters in seconds using Docker with k3d. micro instances. Currently running fresh Ubuntu 22. Deploying microk8s is basically "snap install microk8s" and then "microk8s add-node". The API is the same and I've had no problem interfacing with it via standard kubectl. I am currently using k3s, after having some networking problems with k3d. I cannot really recommend one over the other at the moment. For testing in dev/SQA and release to production we use full k8s. service, not sure how disruptive that will be to any workloads already deployed, no doubt it will mean an outage. The Kubernetes that Docker bundles in with Docker Desktop isn't Minikube. 04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64. No pre-req, no fancy architecture. . Both seem suitable for edge computing, KubeEdge has slightly more features but the documentation is not straightforward and it doesn't have as many resources as K3S. Apr 29, 2021 · The k3s team did a great job in promoting production readiness from the very beginning (2018), whereas MicroK8s started as a developer-friendly Kubernetes distro, and only recently shifted gears towards a more production story, with self-healing High Availability being supported as of v1. Nov 25, 2021 · And while we're talking about MicroK8s here, I found some similar discussion regarding K3s: k3s-io/k3s#4249. Dec 20, 2019 · k3s-io/k3s#294. Cilium's "hubble" UI looked great for visibility. Develop IoT apps for k8s and deploy them to MicroK8s on your Linux boxes. In my opinion, the choice to use K8s is personal preference. " when k3s from Rancher and k0s from Mirantis were released, they were already much more usable and Kubernetes certified too, and both ones already used in IoT environments. Those deploys happen via our CI/CD system. Most people just like to stick to practices they are already accustomed to. Was put off microk8s since the site insists on snap for installation. You switched accounts on another tab or window. The big difference is that K3S made the choices for you and put it in a single binary. K3S is legit. K3s was great for the first day or two then I wound up disabling traefik because it came with an old version. It is a lightweight and certified Kubernetes distribution and can run on many low-end devices like Raspberry Pi. It seems to be lightweight than docker. Ive got an unmanaged docker running on alpine installed on a qemu+kvm instance. Easy setup of a single-node Kubernetes cluster. ). Reload to refresh your session. At the beginning of this year, I liked Ubuntu's microk8s a lot, it was easy to setup and worked flawlessly with everything (such as traefik); I liked also k3s UX and concepts but I remember that at the end I couldn't get anything to work properly with k3s. In Aug 14, 2023 · Explore a comparison of microk8s vs k3s, two lightweight Kubernetes distributions - installation, performance, deployment scenarios, and more This repository provides measurements and data from several experiments benchmarking the lightweight Kubernetes distributions MicroK8s, k3s, k0s, and MicroShift. And there’s no way to scale it either unlike etcd. A couple of downsides to note: you are limited to flannel cni (no network policy support), single master node by default (etcd setup is absent but can be made possible), traefik installed by default (personally I am old-fashioned and I prefer nginx), and finally upgrading it can be quite disruptive. So, if you want a fault tolerant HA control plane, you want to configure k3s to use an external sql backend or…etcd. I am running a Microk8s, Raspberry Pi cluster on Ubuntu 64bit and have run into the SQLite/DBLite writing to NFS issue while deploying Sonarr. I don't regret spending time learning k8s the hard way as it gave me a good way to learn and understand the ins and outs. I think manually managed kubernetes vs Microk8s is like Tensorflow vs PyTorch (this is not a direct comparison, because tensorflow and PyTorch have different internals). x deployment but i was doing this even on microk8s, at the time canonical was only providing nginx ingresses, seems that an upcoming k3s version will fix this. Kubernetes discussion, news, support, and link sharing. It has kube-vip for HA api server and metallb. So now I'm wondering if in production I should bother going for a vanilla k8s cluster or if I can easily simplify everything with k0s/k3s and what could be the advantages of k8s vs these other distros if any. And, from the discussion on this page, it looks like K3s does work in an unprivileged LXD container thanks to this mode. Microk8s vs k3s - Smaller memory footprint off installation on rpi? github. KubeletInUserNamespace is not set in unprivileged LXD containers when k3s is run as root. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. I have found microk8s to be a bigger resource hog than full k8s. Supports different hypervisors (VirtualBox, KVM, HyperKit, Docker, etc. But that’s not HA or fault tolerant. has been great for getting started Apr 14, 2023 · microk8s是一个非常轻量级的k8s发行版,小巧轻量安装快速是他的特点,microk8s是使用snap包安装的,所以他在Ubuntu上的体验是最好的,毕竟microk8s是Canonical公司开发的产品。 Also K3s CRI by default is containerd/runc and can also use docker and cri-o. What made you switch and how is k0s any better? Jun 30, 2023 · MicroK8S offers more features in terms of usage but it is more difficult to configure and install than others. Longhorn isn't a default for K3s, is just a storage provider for any K8s distro. Things break. As soon as you have a high resource churn you’ll feel the delays. K3s and all of these actually would be a terrible way to learn how to bootstrap a kubernetes cluster. I would prefer to use Kubernetes instead of Docker Swarm because of its repository activity (Swarm's repository has been rolling tumbleweeds for a while now), its seat above Swarm in the container orchestration race, and because it is the ubiquitous standard currently. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. Once it's installed, it acts the same as the above. 04 on WSL2. It is also the best production grade Kubernetes for appliances. Now, let’s look at a few areas of comparison between k3s vs minikube. I chose k3s because it's legit upstream k8s, with some enterprise storage stuff removed. I'd start with #1, then move to #2 only if you need to. Hard to speak of “full” distribution vs K3S. See more posts like Top Posts Reddit . The topology of k3s is fairly unique and requires both the server nodes and the agents be k3s. Multi-cluster management with profiles. I've noticed that my nzbget client doesn't get any more than 5-8MB/s. Docker still uses a VM behind the scenes but it's anyway lightweight. Feb 9, 2019 · In relation to #303 to save more memory, and like in k3s project, we could think of reducing the memory footprint by using SQLite. In a way, K3S bundles way more things than a standard vanilla kubeadm install, such as ingress and CNI. It does give you easy management with options you can just enable for dns and rbac for example but even though istio and knative are pre-packed, enabling them simply wouldn’t work and took me some serious finicking to get done. vs K3s vs minikube Lightweight Kubernetes distributions are becoming increasingly popular for local development, edge/IoT container management and self-contained application deployments. img EDIT2: After extensive testing, i've finally got this to work by simply not adding a channel at all and installing it Maybe that's what some people like: it lets them think that they're doing modern gitops when they go into a gui and add something from a public git repo or something like that. Use it on a VM as a small, cheap, reliable k8s for CI/CD. My goals are to setup some Wordpress sites, vpn server, maybe some scripts, etc. We will explore KudeEge and MicroK8s later. I have tried microk8s and minikube, but they were either unstable or not working at all on my Raspberry Pi. Node running the pod has a 13/13/13 on load with 4 procs. The repository covers: Sep 13, 2021 · k3s vs microk8s vs k0s and thoughts about their future K3s, minikube or microk8s? Environment for comparing several on-premise Kubernetes distributions (K3s, MicroK8s, KinD, kubeadm) If you want to learn normal day-to-day operations, and more "using the cluster" instead of "managing/fixing the cluster", stick with your k3s install. Moved over to k3s and so far no major problems, i have to manage my own traefik 2. glusterfs gluster arm64 csi heketi rook helm-chart rke k8s I have used k3s in hetzner dedicated servers and eks, eks is nice but the pricing is awful, for tight budgets for sure k3s is nice, keep also in mind that k3s is k8s with some services like trafik already installed with helm, for me also deploying stacks with helmfile and argocd is very easy to. I thought microk8s is designed to work on IoT ARM devices. But you can still help shape it, too. I know that Kubernetes is benchmarked at 5000 nodes, my initial thought is that IoT fleets are generally many more nodes than that. i tried kops but api server fails everytime. It runs on-prem. Still working on dynamic nodepools and managed NFS. k3s agents are not plug-and-play with k8s distribution control planes. from github microshift/redhat page "Note: MicroShift is still early days and moving fast. For starters microk8s HighAvailability setup is a custom solution based on dqlite, not etcd. I'm not entirely sure what it is. Everyrhing quite fine. Also, microk8s is only distributed as a snap, so that's a point of consideration if you're against snaps. For K3S it looks like I need to disable flannel in the k3s. but being somewhat new to all of this myself I've found the install instructions to be a bit lacking and the "diy almost from scratch" to be a bit demotivating, whereas microk8s/minikube/etc. OpenShift is great but it's quite a ride to set up. Use MicroK8s, Kind (or even better, K3S and/or K3os) to quickly get a cluster that you can interact with. My application is mainly focused on IoT devices and EC2 t2. Then most of the other stuff got disabled in favor of alternatives or newer versions. There is also a cluster that I can not make any changes to, except for maintaining and it is nice because I don’t necessarily have to install anything on the cluster to have some level of visibility. (edit: I've been a bonehead and misunderstood waht you said) From what I've heard, k3s is lighter than microk8s. Mar 31, 2021 · Lightweight distributions of Kubernetes such as KubeEdge [19], K3s [29], and Microk8s [43] either inherit the strong assumptions of kubernetes [15] or are meant to perform better on small scale Jul 25, 2021 · K3s [[k3s]] 是一个轻量级工具,旨在为低资源和远程位置的物联网和边缘设备运行生产级 Kubernetes 工作负载。 K3s 帮助你在本地计算机上使用 VMware 或 VirtualBox 等虚拟机运行一个简单、安全和优化的 Kubernetes 环境。 K3s 提供了一个基于虚拟机的 Kubernetes 环境。 I keep seeing k3s being mentioned, and i do believe that is the way to go for many. I found k3s to be ok, but again, none of my clients are looking at k3s, so there is no reason to use it over k8s. Is there a lightweight version of OpenShift? Lighter versions of Kubernetes are becoming more mature. Well considering the binaries for K8s is roughly 500mb and the binaries for K3s are roughly 100mb, I think it's pretty fair to say K3s is a lot lighter. k0s vs k3s vs microk8s – Detailed Comparison Table Minikube is a tool that sets up a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your local machine. Hi, I've been using single node K3S setup in production (very small web apps) for a while now, and all working great. 21 versions. Just because you use the same commands in K3s doesn't mean it's the same program doing exactly the same thing exactly the same way. I run bone-stock k3s (some people replace some default components) using Traefik for ingress and added cert-manager for Let's Encrypt certs. For this article, we are going to use K3S. If you switch k3s to etcd, the actual “lightweight”ness largely evaporates. That Solr Operator works fine on Azure AKS, Amazon EKS, podman-with-kind on this mac, podman-with-minikube on this mac. Installs with one command, add nodes to your cluster with one command, high availability automatically enabled after you have at least 3 nodes, and dozens of built in add-ons to quickly install new services. Background: . UPDATE Mesos, Openvswitch, Microk8s deployed by firecracker, few mikrotik CRS and CCRs. Features are missing. and now it is like either k3s or k8s to add i am looking for a dynamic way to add clusters without EKS & by using automation such as ansible, vagrant, terraform, plumio as you are k8s operator, why did you choose k8s over k3s? what is easiest way to generate a cluster. EDIT: I looked at my VM script, this is the actual image I use, Ubuntu Minimal ubuntu-22. 04LTS on amd64. That said, the k3s control plane is pretty full featured and robust. Integrates with git. Microk8s also needs VMs and for that it uses Multipass. Would probably still use minikube for single node work though. reReddit: Top posts of October 4, 2021 Microk8s also has serious downsides. r/k3s: Lightweight Kubernetes. TLDR; Which one did you pick and why? How difficult is it to apply to an existing bare metal k3s cluster? Homelab: k3s. Let’s first look at the kubernetes features and support that most would want for development and DevOps. Why do you say "k3s is not for production"? From the site: K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances I'd happily run it in production (there are also commercial managed k3s clusters out there). I know you mentioned k3s but I definitely recommend Ubuntu + microk8s. With microk8s the oversemplification and lack of more advanced documentation was the main complaint. Other than that, they should both be API-compatible with full k8s, so both should be equivalent for beginners. I don't see a compelling reason to move to k3s from k0s, or to k0s from k3s. Personally I'm leaning toward a simple git (or rather, pijul, if it works out) + kustomize model for basic deployment/config, and operators for more advanced policy- or Sep 4, 2020 · Hello @ktsakalozos. oup rgiru kzgumz jogew xclf eiufn vwysgih wogx bde jkzb pkxp gqmhy bciwlrn rptj aca