
Zigbee2mqtt router firmware. zStack based (Texas Instruments) .

Zigbee2mqtt router firmware If you have a network of 15+ devices, the Z-Stack_Home_1. I've paired the router to a coordinator. and "There is also another version of the routing firmware that can control the join network through a proprietary serial port protocol" This assumes you are running the CC2531 router firmware (router-cc2531-std. Open the . 0 USB Dongle Plus” from ITead, later renamed to “ZBDongle-P”, has been released and looks to be great value for a premium hardware package sold for a low price. Probably all AC powered devices e. syscfg configuration file: Both can act as either a Zigbee Coordinator (by default) or Zigbee Router device (if flashed with such firmware instead), and if flash OpenThread/Spinel Radio Co-Processor (RCP) firmware also Thread network protocol for the upcoming Matter/CHIP standard (Project Connected Home over IP). Went back to the "old" firmware and everything works fine again. 1 commit: eb878d3. 3_V1. This firmware improves reliability and improves performance. What did you expect to happen. When checking if an update is available, Zigbee2MQTT determines current hardware and firmware version for a particular device, and then searches for a suitable upgrade image in the index file. 0 USB dongle. meaning that the latest firmware has a software Sensor signed himself out of zigbee2mqtt and opens for new inclusions. @sujithg9 Nice! Can you maybe also post your experience with this as Zigbee Router device to this related discussion? -> #13373 Now see that your converter PR for "ZBDongle-E" with Zigbee Router device firmware was added to zigbee-herdsman Integrate your Aqara ZNQBKG41LM via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. 0” EFR32MG21 Integrate your Tuya TS0013 via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. 2 In the log of zigbee2mqtt I view that coordinator was recognized I updated the router firmware on the slzb-07 USB dongle. Support new devices; Support new Tuya devices; Find Tuya Data Points; No over the air firmware update support. You switched accounts on another tab or window. hex). exe as per this answer from StackOverflow. A coordinator is a special router. Zigbee2MQTT. Some devices might require both on_time I flashed the coordinator firmware in to my CC2531 dongle (CC2531ZNP-Prod. Getting started; Firmware. zminde (M ao) August 23, 2024, 9:10am 1. Now I want to add a Sonoff Dongle Plus-E dongle as a router in the zigbee network. Der Sonoff Dongle Plus E ist ein vielseitiges Gerät. To factory reset/pair: Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) EFR32MG21. 7 i wanted to try Zigbee2MQTT as Deconz replacement. as an OpenThread border router. Im Auslieferungszustand ist dieser als Zigbee Koordinator vorbereitet. To do this, install the "AwoX HomeControl" app on your smartphone, pair the device by holding for 3s power on and blue button and according to the instruction in the app to update the firmware. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 1. This firmware can be flashed with a JTAG programmer. I powerd off the coordinator and the router. 6. In Zigbee2MQTT make sure that your coordinator is in Permit Join mode. In order for this device to work (fully), at least the following firmware is required on your adapter: CC2530/CC2531: 20211115; CC1352/CC2652: 20211114; CC2538: 20211222; Conbee II: 0x26720700; Note that if you have already paired the device you will need to repair it after upgrading your adapter firmware. Open source firmware can be found here: Github. 2 source routing firmware is recommended. io development by creating an account on GitHub. In this way they can both fit into my Mosquitto and HA, but not in a very elegant way. Using same type of Xiaomi sensor (new generation reed switch sensor - MCCGQ11LM) I found that the CC2531 is failing to receive updates, where the Xiaomi does. hex – just a router, without diagnostics and a USB serial port. Instead it shows 20180926 as active firmware. For Zigbee2MQTT users, you may see the Updating the firmware of your CC2652/CC1352 Zigbee router can provide significant benefits, such as the ability to adjust transmit power, which may improve signal strength. Afterwards I had to remove it from the device list (forcefully). I also noticed from the image above and here below, the description says CC2530 Router which isn't really correct 3. Note that the source routing I had the same issue when I put the router firmware in a 2530. You can find the official guide for flashing the device Guide for flashing the latest Silicon Labs firmware to EFR32MG21 Zigbee adapters (e. Slae. Some devices might require both on_time and off_wait_time to work Sonoff Zigbee 3. I've flashed an Dongle-E router with the current router firmware and it was immediately recognized and interviewed successfully by Z2M. 2. This is the firmware you need if you're going to be using your coordinator with Z2M(Zigbee2MQTT), ZHA(Home Assistant)or any other ZNP-firmware-compliant software. zigbee2mqtt + cc2531 + router firmware issue with connecting to cc2531 coordinator I tried and flash CC2531_router_2020_09_29 std version as the diag-usb one. Vendor flashing instructions; Buy: VS201 VS202::: ::: details JetHome JetStick Z2/ZB6UX CC2652P1. Hallo, Kann jemand längere Erfahrungen mit den Firmware Release für den Sonoff Dongle 3. syscfg configuration file in the ZNP project: 2. Debug log. Download the correct firmware (in this example we'll be using the CC2531 firmware) Unpack firmware and convert the hex file to binary using objcopy (do not use the included binary file!) Windows: download objcopy. It seems Using the custom router firmware on a CC2531 stick, you perform the latter (power cycle 3 times) to get it in repair mode. The value must be a number. Zigbee2MQTT version. You signed out in another tab or window. None of them worked. MODKAM stick СС2538 router with temperature sensor. Ich möchte aber mit Simons Video Hilfe von ZHA nach Zigbee2MQTT wechseln und würde dann jedoch gleich auch eine neuere Firmware flashen wenn es Sinn macht. In order for this device to work (fully), at least the following firmware is required on your adapter: CC2530/CC2531: 20211115 CC1352/CC2652: 20211114 CC2538: 20211222 Conbee II: 0x26720700 Note that if you have already paired the device you will need to repair it after upgrading your adapter firmware. 0 V2 Plus E machen? Ich habe zur Zeit noch immer die Original Version 6. Support new devices; Support new Tuya devices; Find Tuya Data Points; Remote Adapter. The problem only affects firmware version v42 according to current knowledge. zip) but shows 20180926 as active firmware. This device does not act as a Zigbee router, even when the optional neutral connection is used. However, by having routers in your network the network size can be extended. 20221226. Flash slae. Looks like somehow, after the Routers pairing I needed to restart zigbee2mqtt. I’ve been using it as a repeater/router, not as a coordinator. Click [Finish] 2. I'm starting to think this is not possible with the router firmware. Some devices might require both on_time and off This includes all ZiGate compatible hardware adapters which are currently based on NXP Zigbee MCU chips like JN5168 and JN5169 with ZigGate 3. sh 2652Rb stcik with this version of the router firmware. After the release of 1. It was extended to provide additional hardware support (ZBDongle-E and EasyIot ZB-GW04) by dev darkxst (credit is all his), who also made the web flasher used in the guide. Powerful, tiny modern design, developed for Zigbee2MQTT, PoE supported, pre-flashed and ready to use Integrate your Tuya TS0012 via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. 35 failed to start; Custom firmware for Gledopto GL-S007Z; Custom firmware for Sonoff ZBMINI (01MINIZB) and eWeLink Switch ZR-02; CC2652R1, CC2652RB, CC2652P, CC1352P2 Dear all I have a Zigbee mesh based on a Slae CC2652RB stick acting as a coordinator and two routers. i have determine by downgrading two router firmware versions that the problem is able to be resolved. 0 USB Dongle. Stack/Network status @Koenkk yeah I understand, let me open up a PR for the docs to be updated with the firmware info in there. Weitere Infos bekommst du hier. 0. For me this is the main reason not to use zigbee2mqtt for "production" It's just not reliable enough for me. 0. 1. To determine what firmware is compatible with your But only one external sensor is tested (Si7021) This firmware allows you to create a Zigbee switch device with a flexible configuration of inputs and outputs. Es lässt sich aber auch die MultiPAN Firmware installieren, um mit einem Dongle ein Zigbee als auch Thread Netzwerk aufzubauen. Enable serial flow control in the UART option in the . I’ve spent some time and prepared 3 variants: CC2531-router. No idea why but the routers don't connect proper so the mesh network isn't working. This firmware has a limitation of 5 direct children so make sure to have enough routers in your network. It took some time, but at some point the Router worked: zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-3-2 17:10:13 Device Lumi Router (JN5169) Firmware. To enter pairing mode hold button for 10 seconds until all LEDs start flashing. Your Factory pre-installed firmware type. When using the default Zigbee2MQTT CC2531 coordinator firmware + 2 CC2531 routers your device limit will be: Note that before an adapter can be used with Zigbee2MQTT it has to be flashed with a coordinator firmware (some adapters come preflashed). device_temperature_calibration: Calibrates the device_temperature value (absolute offset), takes into effect on next report of device. I haven't reflash my coordinator, because I would probably have to repair all my devices again, and if I can avoid doing that again, it would be I now realise that I cannot use zigbee2mqtt with a router firmware. OTA updates What happened? I wanted to install Zigbee2MQTT on my Home Assistant. 3 im Einsatz mit ZHA. One based on a CC2530+CC2591 stick and one based on a cc2531. Some devices might require Z-Stack-firmware This repository contains compilation instructions and compiled Z-Stack firmwares for the Texas Instruments CC2530 , CC2531 , CC2538 , CC1352P , CC2652P , CC2652R and CC2652RB . Ensure you are running the correct version of For TI ZStack users: a new firmware has been released, 20240710. Sonoff ZBDongle-E) and use the new Ember driver in Zigbee2MQTT. hex) I installed last versione of zigbee2mqtt v. Closed JacekKac opened this issue Oct 4, 2022 · 3 comments Closed [New device support]: SONOFF zigbee Model E Integrate your Innr SP 220 via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. gbl) Adapter. Skip to content. For larger network (20+) or when experiencing stability problems the source routing firmware is recommended. Powerful CC2652P1 factory-made Zigbee USB dongle with external antenna. 5k. Some devices might require both on_time and Zigbee2MQTT 2 failed to start; Zigbee2MQTT 1. thanks to the special Remove the enclosure from the stick flashed with the Router firmware, yes Leave the Zigbee Coordinator plugged into your HA computer (RasPi, etc) Used Zigbee2Mqtt and was able to pair a router instantly. ROUTER via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. hex I just flashed one of these: Each coordinator is compatible by default with Z2M(Zigbee2MQTT)and ZHA. This tutorial will explain how to create a CC2530 router packed into a nice enclosure which can be powered via Examples: LED1545G12, 7146060PH, ZNCZ02LM, CC2531 USB sniffer flashed with the router firmware, SONOFF ZBDongle-E-based router. If using Zigbee2MQTT with a Silicon Labs based dongle then you should really always manually backup Zigbee network with zigpy-cli command tool before flashing firmware and restore that backup after flashing firmware. If you haven’t already, you will need to update to Zigbee2MQTT version 1. Reload to refresh your session. 2. Install SEGGER J-Link Software; Open SEGGER J-Link Configurator and ensure your JTAG has the latest firmware (upgrade it if this is not Prepare the firmware. Should I use the original router firmware or refresh the ember firm My Sonoff Dongle Plus-E has flashed firmware to ember and works fine. An OTA index file is a list of firmware images available in designated locations. Getting started; Supported Adapters; Supported Devices; Installation; Improve network range and stability; Secure your Zigbee network; Sniff Zigbee traffic; Create a CC2530 router; Support new devices. Closed maichai opened this issue Mar 9, 2021 · 2 comments Closed To be used with Zigbee2MQTT you need to flash the coordinator firmware: https: I have found a temporary way for this to work by running one coordinator with ZigBee2Mqtt, and the other coordinator connecting to the another instance of the edge version of ZigBee2Mqtt. Zigbee Router for Xiaomi DGNWG05LM and Aqara ZHWG11LM gateways. Wasn't really convinced that it worked properly, so I paired another router and it worked just as easily. Adapter firmware version. You do not have to run zigbee2mqtt. x. 1 via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. – Flashed, has a usb serial port, can connect to HomeAssistant using zigbee2mqtt for example. In this way you can use a simple premade Hub/Gateway flash it with custom firmware and then use it as your coordinator. Options. I only powered the router again and it started blinking once every three seconds (paired This how-to explains how to run Zigbee2MQTT with a comercial Sonoff ZBBridge Gateway. g. Sonoff Zigbee I flashed another CC-stick with router firmware and was able to pair it with the coordinator. It has an external antenna which will greatly improve the range of your Zigbee network. Nothing happens and he is dormant. 1. At first boot it will automatically be in pairing mode and join your network. Multi-devices by @darkxst: Silabs Firmware Flasher; For SkyConnect by @NabuCasa: SkyConnect Flasher; The start and stop sequences describe the steps taken to get Zigbee2MQTT running with ember in more details. Vendor flashing instructions; Buy: VS201 VS202; JetHome JetStick Z2/ZB6UX CC2652P1. This firmware can be used with the smart home platform to enable your host to send and receive Zigbee signals, so that it can be used as a Zigbee gateway. To check whether your specific device supports OTA updates via Zigbee2MQTT, go to the supported devices page, click on your device and look for the OTA updates section. 4. Support new devices; Support new Tuya devices; Find Tuya Data Points Support depends on the switch firmware. 0 I restarted my Hassio v. reception did not improve. Guide Guide. Zigbee should not pass messages for other devices through that special "router-disabled" device. Notes. 3 out of box” - Ist Koordinator falsch? Integrate your SONOFF S40ZBTPB via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. 0 coordinator files. 104. Firmware can be used with Sonoff Zigbee 3. info 2018-10-24 19:36:13 Coordinator firmware version: '20180815' zigbee2mqtt:info 2018-10-24 19:36:13 Currently 0 devices are joined: Ideal as ZigBee coordinator/router. Thanks. RF-STAR RF-BM-2652P2 First a flashed the router with clean firmware. zigbee2mqtt. The CC2531 with router firmware is a totally standalone zigbee If you have a network of 1 - 15 devices, the Z-Stack_Home_1. [+Firmware] CC2530 Zigbee Module UART Development Board | + zigbee2mqtt Router Firmware ทางร้านส่งสินค้าทุกวัน จันทร์ - อาทิตย์ ครับ (ได้ของเร็วแน่นอนครับ) อุปกรณ์ที่ได้รับ 1 x Zigbee CC2530 Module 1 x เสาสัญญาน NOTE 2: In this tutorial we will flash the default firmware. I read on this site that I first need to flash the router firmware via the browser application. Getting started; CC2530 router. Because it was getting a low LQI, I decided to “Forget” the router on zigbee2mqtt thinking that it would just automatically connect. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up You signed in with another tab or window. 36. UART is used to transmit data transparently. CC2531-router-diag-usb. Upgrading firmware. Download firmware either as a coordinator or a router. @Koenkk no worries I got it to 20 The CC2530 is highly suitable for serving as a router. In order for this device to work (fully), at least the following firmware is required on your adapter: CC2530/CC2531: 20211115 CC1352/CC2652: 20211114 CC2538: 20211222 Conbee II: 0x26720700 Note While it should still work with Zigbee2MQTT regardless if the firmware is a little old or not, it is probably a good idea to upgrade to the latest firmware before starting a Zigbee network or migrating. Alternatively, Zigbee2MQTT supports index files located on a remote HTTP(s) server. Support new devices; Support new Tuya devices; Support depends on the switch firmware. With the latter, I have a strange problem. Link: https Flashing the firmware on the CC2538 MODULE. 0 docker running with the Sonoff Zigbee 3. md. Create a CC2530 router; Support new devices. 0 coordinator firmware, you can also flash router firmware to extend the network range Wide Range of Supported Devices Dongle can be used as a Zigbee 3. In view of the problems many sonoff devices such as the zbmini and s26 sockets are having, I h Like TS I would like to disable the router function of that "enddevice" with router function. 0 gateway in open-source automation platforms to manage various sub-devices from various brands or flash router firmware to extend the network range. Plug your newly flashed CC2531 with router firmware into a power source like a laptop USB port or a phone charger (it literally only needs power, that is Notes Adapter firmware. bulbs serve as a router, you can even use another CC2530/CC2531 as a router (which has a limit of 21 devices). 30. It is based on Texas Instruments CC2652P radio chip and this “ZBDongle-P” variant is to be sold side-by-side as an alternative to their FYI, the same Zigbee Router firmware has now also been tested with ESPHome on a ZB-GW03 eWeLink Ethernet Zigbee Gateway which is based on ESP32 instead but have the same “SM-011 V1. Code; Issues 1. The CC2538 module needs to be flashed with a custom firmware. 1d firmware or later. How to use device type specific configuration. 5k; Pull requests 7; [New device support]: SONOFF zigbee Model E - with router firmware #14326. 0 USB Dongle Plus–ZBDongle-E and easyiot Zigbee 3. A temporary solution is currently to install an older firmware version (v32) with a modified file version header to bypass the downgrade restriction. ATTENTION Various features are not supported by this adapter, in case you depend on these features, consider a different adapter. . But you can flash the SLZB-06 with router firmware, and extend the Update from xsp1989 on router firmware posted on arendst/Tasmota#11536 "This firmware can ground the PA00 5S into pairing mode, and ground the RST to restart routing. I wanted to use my CC2531 sticks that i have as router in my network and was wondering why there are no 3. 0 USB Dongle Plus (EFR32MG21) with router firmware - how-to-flash. Some devices might require both on_time and off_wait I was not able to build up a network with the new router firmware. Windows. Pairing. Before pairing with Zigbee2MQTT, it is to good update the firmware of the remote controller via Bluetooth. 0 for CC2531. 2 default firmware is recommended. Router Zigbee 3. We will use a Sonoff ZBBridge Gateway with custom firmware to connect to a serial port over TCP. Darüber kann der Dongle auch als Router firmware: VS201 VS202. 0 USB Dongle Plus (Model "ZBDongle-E" with EFR32MG21 chip) by flashing a router firmware onto the device. The programmer can be found on Aliexpress. Wie kann ich herausfinden, welche Firmware auf dem Stick ist und welche ich für Zigbee2MQTT brauche? Laut beschreibung ist “vorgeflasht mit Zigbee-Koordinator-Firmware basierend auf EZNet 6. To reset it into pairing mode power You signed in with another tab or window. Also, the picture and The CC2531 does not seem to have as good range as my Xiaomi hub. Now the Zigbee2MQTT detects it: [2024-10-11 08:45:02] info: z2m: Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt Public. Then I flashed the router firmware in ti my two other CC2531 dongle (router-cc2531-std. Contribute to Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt. 40. Even if The router firmware is working! Zigbee2MQTT users as of this time will need to add a custom file to support this router before pairing (see last section of this guide) To place the device into pairing mode, simply use a Zigbee2MQTT. On the develop branch the router tries to join the network and then fails: The guys on GitHub asked me to make a router firmware for СС2531 too. In Home Assistant, navigate to Settings > Add Yes, I did reflash it several times with the router firmware. As Silicon Lab and Texas Instruments adapters offer different I can flash router firmware (cc2530_router_2019_02) to all these cc2530 boards with SmartRF04EB, can get verifications, read IEEE via SmartRF flash programmer, but any of these cc2530 routers are visible in HA Zigbee2MQTT logs or network. See issue #13903 for a tutorial and further information. The value With the new firmware flashed, we can configure Zigbee2MQTT to start using the new ember driver. Support depends on the switch firmware. Hub and CC sn I have a zigbee2mqtt 1. Adapter. Sonoff Router Firmware ersetzen. Firmware CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_router_20210128 does not work on LAUNCHXL-­CC1352P-­2 #6635. 0 E180-NCP(SW FlowControl) Without BootLoader Een aantal behuizingen om te 3D printen, voor de zigbee2mqtt stick en optionele extra routers: de nieuwe test omgeving opgezet met de MQTT broker Add-On en de Zigbee2MQTT Add-on en tevens de stick van de Notes Adapter firmware. hex above: – Flashed Pre-built Zigbee firmware images as binary files for Silicon Labs EFR32 SoC family, Firmware is built with Simplicity Studio Version: SV4. 10. 13. 0 router files because there are zigbee 3. Local OTA index and firmware files. Adapter firmware. hex) that is part of the zigbee2mqtt project. I’ve created a base firmware for CC2530, CC2530 + CC2590 , CC2530 + CC2591 CC2652P radio chip is currently also the most popular as a Zigbee Coordinator and Zigbee Router in the DIY Zigbee userbase community because it is newer so the firmware is well maintained and is stable/mature in both You can create a powerful Zigbee router from an ordinary Sonoff Zigbee 3. 23. There is only one firmware version for the zzh! router, On the stable firmware I have got the router to pair with the coordinator, but I cannot get a Xiaomi PIR occupation sensor or a Xiaomi temperature sensor to join the network. 5 with EmberZNet SDK 6. Also I deleted coordinators database so it has no devices connected. Link: https The CC2530 as a router, you need to power cycle the usb 3 times before it goes into pairing mode. Why is this not possible? It would be perfect to have 1 coordinator to manage the network, and then have 2 routers to be able to send and receive messages on the zigbee network from/to tcp/ip. Router starts blinking once every three seconds (paired/connected). zStack based (Texas Instruments) Besides serving as a coordinator some adapters can also be used as a Zigbee router (check if there is a router firmware by clicking on your adapter). Router. I'm using CC2531 for coordinator and 3 routers. Matter compatible!! Pin-Headers are ONLY needed if you want to develop custom-firmware! USB extension cable (20cm) is highly RECOMMENDED; Add to Cart * taxes may apply Which let's us use the zigbee2mqtt as an easy to use add-on. I my case it is a TS0121_plug which normally acts a a router, but interrupts the commands to my other devices. 9. 0 dongle flashed with this firmware: CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20211217. Looks like the value is Pre-flashed with Z-Stark 3. 2 Configure engineering hardware flow control 1. Coordinator Router. This should help to locate potential start and stop problems. 3 GA build 297 (Z3RouterUSBDonlge_EZNet6. remove the battery/power to keep it "dead" set permit to join to true; include router; include your sensor again, should sign up with the router (that doesn't work for me, somehow my device limit stayed identical, even yet router was added) The firmware is a fork of NabuCasa's official Silabs Firmware Builder, which only provides Multi-PAN firmware for the SkyConnect and HA Yellow. This device does not act as a Zigbee router. This worked, but after that, I encountered the following errors when starting Zigbee2MQTT: once with the ezsp driver and once with the z-stack driver. Here is a really good installation I flashed my CC2531 with the latest router firmware (CC2531_router_2020_09_29. Improvement Add 1st Router to the network; Restart zigbee2mqtt; Set TX Power on Router; Add 2nd Router to the network; Restart zigbee2mqtt; Set TX Power on Router; Tried other options, with no luck. In this case zigbee_ota_override_index_location key should be an URL of the index file. Note: Some devices advertising router functionality in a Zigbee network perform poorly and can thus effectively lower the stability of your Zigbee network. Router firmware: VS201 VS202. Pairing Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) CC2530. 7. The file name could be also a full path to the file, taking into account that host file system may not be available when running Zigbee2MQTT inside a docker container. 2 via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. Now if I try to pair for example Xiaomi Aqara temperature sensors they all HI friends, I am looking for a reliable router to expand the range of my SONOFF Zigbee 3. Example. That after joining the router to my network the Zigbee2MQTT add-on would show the firmware 20200929. 6k; Star 11. Coordinator. My Sonoff Dongle Plus-E has flashed firmware to ember and works Router firmware also available; Web-based . Not sure if that will really hold for long though :P. sh 2652RB stick. Router starts blinking every second (pairing mode). Pairing The Sonoff USB Zigbee ZB Dongle-E can be flashed to act as a powerful router in your Home Assistant Zigbee network, effectively created stronger, more reliab Integrate your SmartThings GP-WOU019BBDWG via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. PANID:1A62,Ch:11,Join:1 is only thing I see via usb diag - Join:1 is when I Permit to Join on cortinator, when I dont I s Integrate your Tuya TS0001_switch_module via Zigbee2MQTT with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using without the vendor's bridge or gateway. However, it doesn’t! I was told to go to SMLIGHT web flasher (SMLIGHT FIRMWARE UPDATER) and hit the “reconnect UPDATED! The announced TI CC2652P based “Sonoff Zigbee 3. Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) EFR32MG21. detrw yht keheo glruqcow ojihjf kvruw wywz hsk pah jxlor lgyent bdllm qwauk kdm yvlhv