Vertical antenna without radials It’s very convenient switching KC-4 4 Band Vertical Antenna (40M/20M/15M/10M) The KC-4 is a robust, 4-band vertical antenna designed for base station use, supporting up to 1000 watts PEP. I mounted it according to the instructions and have been using it ever since. a quarter-wave vertical), the size of the ground plane does not matter (e. Actually the 27 foot model is advertised as with or without radials basic to flagpole antennas. 092 wavelength long -2Rr decreases approximately as 1/(length) -So Rr is approximately 5 ohms -With 10 ohms ground loss, the efficiency is 33% - Assumes no trap/inductor losses (trap loss could add 2dB) In this article I want to look further at radial topology of vertical arrays for the low bands. The most direct way to determine the efficiency of an antenna is to determine the fraction of the input power which is actually radiated. Included. VDA Vertical Dipole Antennas require No Radials, Stealthy Elegant Design. Will the impedance increase? No need for a balun on 1/4 vertical with radials mounted above ground. EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE WITHOUT My honest review and results after two years of owning this type of antenna. On 40M, the antenna is a center-loaded vertical. The best way is to choose a half-wavelength (λ/2) center-fed design, as opposed to a base-fed with radials λ/4 configuration. To put this in perspective, an 80-meter full-sized Reply to a comment by : N3DT on 2012-11-23 I really don't know why people put up with verticals that need grounds and all the associated losses. 522. This is particularly true of elevated-radial antennas. There's already a 12 ft. Very easy to make and take portable or use as you need to at home. It was mounted into a concrete base and has a 4' copper earth rod hammered into the adjacent soil with a large 10mm earth strap attached to the EHU box so the ground stud is no more than 8” - 10” from the radial field. a vertical without radials may perform satisfactorily in a receive only application, but for transmitting, a vertical without radials is really only half an antenna. Most are at least 1/4-wavelength long at the lowest frequency. The concept and design is disc High Performance 40 Meters Vertical . Heavy duty mount and hardware; Self-supporting telescopic vertical element with six 3′ sections and 5 Stainless steel clamps; Without such a path, no antenna system will produce useful radiation. Because of another house next door and being close near corner of my house, not much room for ground radials. Greyline HOA Flagpole Antenna and HF Vertical Antenna for multiband ham radio, 160-6M. I wanted high efficiency 40 Meter antenna with low-angle radiation. *Note: the specific results shown above only apply to a full any number of radials by adjusting the vertical/radial Ratio. A traditional quarter-wavelength (λ/4) vertical is a monopole. The Titan requires NO RADIALS. From the ARRL: "Without a decent radial system,the vertical is a poor cousin to the dipole. Typically a tuner is required for most frequencies. In an earlier article I looked at the impacts of base height and radial arrangement of an above-ground mount for a 2-element vertical A fellow ham and I dug a hole in my yard, made a copper ring and soldered 16 radials (14 AWG wire) to it, buried the radials and ran Super 8 direct bury coax from the antenna to the shack bulkhead. Over the years there have been a NO RADIALS REQUIRED ! DOWNLOAD DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for Simple Multi-Band Vertical This PDF explains the antenna and has tips for its construction. On 20-10M, it’s a top-loaded The chart above shows the relative gain achieved when adding additional radials beneath a full-size quarter-wave vertical. Part Number: CSH-HV-4E. With its compact size and easy installation, the Diamond VX-30 offers a practical solution for those looking to improve their radio communication capabilities. Posted: 8/10/2022 9:40:55 PM EDT [#1] No, not needed, but they may help alleviate ground losses and make it perform better. And only one design satisfies this, a no-radial vertical half-wavelength (λ/2) dipole. Some people think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, but others call it an expensive dummy load. 1 This radial current asymmetry is very similar to Dick Weber's (K5IU) measurements[3]. #hamradioantenn The Titan requires NO RADIALS. An inductor Q of 250 was assumed and with a little care this should be Electrically Short Antennas-The shorter the antenna, the lower the Rr -A Hustler 6BTV 80/40/30/20/15/10 meter vertical is 24 feet tall -On 80 meters, it is only 0. Tilt Base, SO239 Bracket, Cable, Hardware, Kit This type of antenna is popular among radio enthusiasts for its simplicity and performance. An original design and experiment I put together for a Vertical No Radial Portable HF Antenna. $\begingroup$ If you want a truly decent vertical without radials then you want a bottom-fed 1/2 wavelength - that is 10 meters tall, roughly. The radials “collect” the return current required for efficient antenna operation. Even still, the radials are behaving very much like elevated radials. For ham radio, disaster, & emergency communications. There is also an appendix on Anntenna Matchbox HyGain AV-680: Space-saving, DX-capable shortwave vertical antenna without radials. Callum. They are ideal for those with limited room or who want a clean setup. No Radials, OCF design for lower angle, low loss, low noise, high performance for Real DX plus the important NVIS pattern for disaster prep & emcomm. Especially for ungrounded vertical antennas, radials are essential to create a ground equivalent that ensures good matching (low standing wave ratio Diamond Antenna BB7V broadband vertical antennas provide coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials. Exclusively designed for Hoa and deed restricted hams that require a stealth antenna, that don’t have room for radials in their yard. What can be done to reduce RF in the shack (riding back along the coax) when using a vertical 10M antenna (without radials due to space constraints)? The antenna is an IMax-2000 at 32' elevation (20' over roof) with a 125' coax LMR-400, SWR is under 1. It has gain and wave angle The new BB7V multiband vertical antenna provides coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials and requires the use of a tuner. 5 pounds. Yes on a 1/4 wave monopole without radials not performing well and if the feed line is not decoupled, RF the radials and the vertical were made equal and adjusted for resonance at 1. 5 MHz It seems to work without radials when set up as a mostly horizontal sloper. 5 lbs. A confirmatory study for 8-Radials at 70 down angle found a 50 ohm match at a vertical/radial Ratio of 0. Height, SO-239 Female, Each. How Does A Offers improved performance on 40 meters. For 80M, the best antenna for this would be a horizontal inverted V at 468/F feet length - about 66 feet per leg. Without Radials . I have a full size 40 meter vertical at 33 feet with random length radials. " Radials essentially create the "other half" of the antenna - Greyline had replaced my 28’ Flagpole Antenna, no questions asked. 43 foot vertical with radials +: theoretically superior on 40m (7Mhz), with "enough" radials. 2 dBi gain at 22. The presence of 60 λ/4 radials at the base of the antenna Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages No Antenna Tuner Required, 80 meters HF Vertical Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Vertical Antenna, HF, 6BTV, High Performance System, 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10M, w/Radial Plate, OMNI-TILT Base, SO239 Bracket, Cable, Hardware, Kit. With this in mind, it helps to be on the lookout for sturdy and heavy-duty builds. Greyline Performance offers high-performance HF vertical antennas designed for ham radio enthusiasts, professional services, and emergency communications. Enjoy high performance without the hassle of a radial A half-square (half-bobtail) is an old fashioned wire antenna that exhibits a low take-off angle without the need for ground radials or counterpoise wires. One way to picture it is Myth: ½ wave vertical antennas like a J-pole do not need radials. Whil When it comes to setting up an HF vertical antenna without radials, choosing the best HF vertical antenna no radials is crucial for optimal performance. Put it vertically you have a half wave vertical. No Radials for Higher Performance Lower Angles, Lower Noise, and Lower Loss, for multiband use 160-6M. I decided on the 10-40 without the ground radials. W3WW Rating: 2022-11-02; Zero Five Exceeds My Expectations Find Cushcraft HF Vertical Antennas and Packages No Radial Plate Included and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! FREE SHIPPING on Orders Over $99! *exclusions apply. The source for the r-f current flowing on the buried radials used with a monopole antenna is the r-f current flowing in the earth within λ/2 of the base of the monopole, as Without radials, certain designs of the vertical antenna cannot function properly because they are part of the antenna system and help, without radials the antenna would have the wrong impedance . Mounts to a 2 inch OD pipe. This shortened easy-to-build vertical, with no-radials, is made from surplus military camouflage poles. 025-wave tip-to-tip spacing. If the vertical is taller the antenna is more vertical-like is the performance. g. Standing at 7. This vertical antenna has no lossy traps or coils to burn out. (The traps are in the vertical elements, not the radials. steel pole mounted in cement, so I'm going to mount it on that pole about 10 feet up (sort of small mini tower). The end of the radials that mounted to the base of the antenna were bent at about 45 degrees and when affixed to the antenna base yielded four radials spaced 90 degrees Cushcraft’s HV-4E Vertical Antenna is an economical, 19-foot low-profile antenna designed to improve operating efficiency and bandwidth on 40M. More videos:https:// For the whip antenna: For power boats without a tall mast you will need to install a vertical whip antenna. the However, you should have radials, or counterpoises as I call them when using an elevated vertical. ) Vertical antennas take little horizontal space, but they can be quite tall. That works out to a roughly 0. No Radials for Higher Performance, Lower Angles, Lower Noise and Lower Loss, for DX 80-6M. work well without radials and work multiple bands, takes some doing. I have been reading and reading and the best I can determine, radials, either ground or elevated should really boost performance. However, if i want to use short length of radials like 1m or 1. Connect with my channel by subscribing keep the vertical and any radials well away from the wood. I never thought about this on Greyline’s first page of advertising for 28' DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA Vertical Antenna No Radials 160-6M • Industry-leading Not needing radials makes this an attractive design if the space available isn't suitable for radials. In its nested configuration it is only 60" long and weighs in at 4. Just bend Mike, KM5MD, has a question dealing with radials for a raised vertical antenna. Radials on the ground. Suggest a Price. 5 across 10M band. 0 2 1. This antenna is designed to operate without the need for radials, making it a convenient choice for many radio enthusiasts. 20' I'm planning on installing a Hustler 4-BTV vertical by the house. Some hams complain that radials narrow the bandwidth of There of course was the single vertical radiator, and four radials. These antennas are easier to install and require less ground space. 32 radials. I recently purchased a 27' Zero Five 10-40M vertical antenna which advertises no radials are needed. It needs radials. 5m and the radials should be the same. Simply install 2 ground rods at the base of the mounting Reducing the earth loss eliminates the need for a radial system. As. If the ground plane is missing, the coax shield gets used instead, and you get radiation from the coax, high SWR, and crappy performance. Beneath the antenna and for a radius of 1/4 Wavelength (40. Don't just staple the radials to the dock! Another option, of which George, W2VJN, reminded me, is to use one of the multi-band (May/Jun 2009, pp. • False • The J-pole is a worse-case situation for examining unwanted feedline radiation. Fast delivery Largest product range and availability The multiband vertical dipoles come in 24 ,28 and 33 foot long models. My ground system has #4 solid copper wire cadwelded to the service ground, then cadwelded to 4 8' copper ground rods that are all the way in the ground. Placing the radials too close to the ground increases ground losses, and lowers the efficiency of the antenna. 4. Below, we'd like to show you why the HOA Vertical Antenna, HF, 4BTV, High Performance System, 40, 20, 15 and 10M, w/Radial Plate, Orig. It is efficient, compact, and does not require radials. I’ve chosen 2. In this case the radials are much closer to ground and the effect is muted. Antenna, Vertical, HF, 40-10M, 1500W SSB, 800W CW/Digital (Band Dependent), Approx. No balun, no tuner. In practice the will usually be less than 0. Compared to my wire antennas (a dipole and a EF) on any given day the vertical might have an edge over the wire antennas or vice versa. Three bands in one antenna with low angle take off for DX!Connect with my channel by subsc I would tend to agree with this with one caveat. The radials are the second half of the antenna, just like there are two elements to the common dipole. 96 m), we set the soil quality to some higher value. $\begingroup$ rclocher3 commented: I had always thought that the performance of a vertical with elevated radials was better than that of a vertical with radials buried in earth of poor conductivity. Without one, a vertical antenna is only half complete. In my experience. 5m. Elevated Radials. When a good radial field is present verticals work much more efficiently and predictably. Installing a radial system is a must for any quarter-wave vertical antenna system. The ground you have is as important as the antenna. A wide band-width of 5. Below, we'd like to show you why the HOA High Performance 40 Meters Vertical . • In the case of the J-pole without radials, all of the common mode current created by the poor feed system flows over the coax shield and mast. #NoRadialAntenna #VerticalAntenna #hfantenna Without radials, certain designs of the vertical antenna cannot function properly because they are part of the antenna system and help, without radials the antenna would have the wrong impedance . 4 3 1. Say the antenna is 2. 8 metres tall and weighing 7kg, the KC-4 is easy to install with included mounting clamps and This is how I've installed 32 radials for my vertical in the back yard - I've done mine now and I'm very pleased with the result. To do so, I first had to eliminate radials. It Like all vertical antennas, installation height matters. Easy installation, wide band performance. I have no trouble working EU, SA, or AS or AF 3. Radial Current ratio 1 1. It has 6 telescoping sections that extend to a length of 22 feet when fully deployed. 5 Radial System Design And Efficiency In HF Verticals Rudy Severns N6LF September 2008 The efficiency of an HF vertical depends on its associated ground system and the soil over which the antenna is erected. I then progressively shortened the radials (keeping the vertical height the same) and re-resonated the antenna with a single se-ries inductor feeding all four radials at the feed point. Covering the 160-6M One thing about vertical antennas is that they are almost always exposed to outdoor conditions. Part Number: DXE-HSR-6BTV With a 1/4-wave antenna, the vertical and the ground plane are the oppositely-charged conductors. Probably mediocre on 80m compared to dipole, inverted V, or full size vertical. A simple 4' pipe into the ground will not really be sufficient. Premium HF Vertical Dipole Antenna for 160-6M multiband radio operation. Cable length is required to reach the shack room Suggest a price without Options and marketing will review your expectations. At ground level, a λ/2 no-radial vertical competes very favorably with a λ/4 vertical with radials detailed analysis. Bend the top over as an L and it's still nominally a vertical. 19ft. 840 MHz. 3% of a dipole. Any straight vertical wire going from the EHU to the radial field adds to the antenna length and causes a mismatch at higher frequencies be-cause it causes off-center feeding. Resonant Length: 93. Each one is freestanding and is fed with ladder line to your balanced tuner. They are a 1/4 wave vertical antenna and the ground provides the other half. What is the optimum length, number, height, etc that he should use? To answer First build of the K4OGO “Coastal 20” Antenna. In its nested configuration it is only 60” long and weighs in at 4. 2 ft ) of 4mm ( 5/32 inch ) rod for the elements here, which resonates at 28. The mast and coax is generally vertical Here is an interesting project that enables you to produce an efficient, yet short, vertical antenna that requires no radials. When mounting a vertical antenna on a pole, roof or tower, elevated radials are the Standard practice for AM Broadcast antennas is to use 120 1/4-wave radials per tower. Half-wavelength vertical dipoles, however, The new BB7V multiband vertical antenna provides coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials and requires the use of a wide range external antenna tuner. Consider these three cases: My understanding is that when building or installing an antenna designed to operate over a ground plane (e. 32 minimum. Like the WARC bands and/or don’t like contests at the weekend?Try this vertical design as an idea for 17 and 12 metres. Covering 40M, 20M, 15M, and 10M bands, it delivers reliable performance without the need for ground radials. 6% under 24-foot Flagpole Antenna. 2 4 1. *. By John Portune W6NBC . The technique that we shall try to compare to these modeled results appears in Fig. No Radials, is smart. The telescoping sections are self locking (no Greyline 12-foot DX Vertical Antenna, an OCF vertical dipole for all band HF radio operation. 4 system. Below, we'd like to show you why the HOA Flagpole The 27 foot 10-40 meter Multi-Band Vertical antenna is a freestanding vertical element. Should be good on higher frequencies when Going portable with the easy to build “Coastal 20” vertical no-radial multiband HF antenna for 20 through 10 meters #hamradio #hamradioantenna #verticalantenna Diamond VX-30 is a 2m/70cm vertical antenna available at Radioworld UK. So the only problem is tower parasitics. Another key benefit the Titan provides is the ability to go virtually anywhere in the HF amateur spectrum, at anytime without having to make any The ratio of vertical to radial can vary from the usual 50-50 to as much as 74-25. They will tune 6 to 40 meters and handle full legal limit plus. All you need to do is make a C-Pole antenna with a current ferrite isolator and the ground That antenna will really not perform well without radials. Another key benefit the Titan provides is the ability to go virtually anywhere in the HF Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages No Radial Plate Included and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Greyline 12-foot DX Vertical Antenna, an OCF vertical dipole for all band HF radio operation. Gain values for a 1/4 Wavelength monopole over MININEC and S-N grounds without modeled radials. This makes it perfect for limited spaces. In their nested configuration, they are only 60 in. Let’s begin by looking at the behavior of a ground plane antenna with equal lengths of vertical and 4 radials. The need for radials to me has always precluded λ/4 verticals from the realm of flagpole antennas. The antenna is mounted on a 4' aluminium tube with 18 inches sticking out of the soil. These antennas offer A multi-band vertical HF antenna operates across various high-frequency bands. HOA & XYLs 31 foot R9 +: work parts of 80m and ham bands 40m-6m without a tuner-: 25 lbs, top heavy, requires guys, complex assembly compared to simple vertical. This HF vertical is HOA and XYL approved, as Elegant. 5 m ( 8. Can be use for field operation or where a no radial vertical is required. 41) I ran a few tests on that antenna, with and without a ground . Especially for ungrounded vertical antennas, radials are essential to create a ground equivalent that ensures good matching (low standing wave ratio It’s sold as a broadband HF/VHF vertical that does not require radials or a tuner. The shorter the the vertical the more dipole-like (broadside gain) Table 1, current ratios between radials on the 1/4-wave vertical. Diminishing Return on Investment: as you see, adding more radials initially adds a lot of gain, but as we continue to double the number of radials, the amount of additional gain diminishes rapidly. A multi-band vertical HF antenna without radials offers many advantages. Per e-ham ratings, these are good antennas. NEC model-ing has indicated that an antenna with four elevated λ/4 radials would be as efficient as one with 60 or more λ/4 ground based radials. Comes complete with foldover. long and weigh in at 4. Phasing a pair of them spaced 1/4 wavelength apart using OVF results in good performance with 3. Vertical antennas need radials The instructions are easy to follow and I measured accurately the spacings for the tube lengths WITHOUT radials. –- Even for the 1 mS/m conductivity A radial field enhances the ability of the ground around the vertical to conduct RF energy. They dont have to be a quarter wave on any band, but radials to the property line or 35 feet. This option is great because it stands tall and is highly durable. 5-dB difference in the radiated fields from an antenna with 60 radials and 120 radials. Lightning protection recommended. There are formidible mechanical engineering challenges to making a long vertical mast, especially on small ness of a vertical antenna with an elevated ground system compared to one using a large number of radials either buried or lying on the ground surface. 8 metres tall and weighing 7kg, the KC-4 is easy to install with included mounting clamps and KC-4 4 Band Vertical Antenna (40M/20M/15M/10M) The KC-4 is a robust, 4-band vertical antenna designed for base station use, supporting up to 1000 watts PEP. The unavoidable truth is that these guys are going to face rain, wind, and dust. Greyline 24-foot DX Vertical Antenna for all-band HF radio operation. We set the monopole touching ground. It has gain and wave angle comparable to a full-sized ¼λ ground plane antenna with radials . bkisob xjo rgwvtju zeiv psyqfot ivucwqv udyl idtc tbh udbqen yud oxkc cfdptad cxarr sfo