
Resto shaman covenant reddit. Or check it out in the app stores   .

Resto shaman covenant reddit ” I have four resto shaman. we got fucking robbed on the covenant ability selection the goal of this patch, for m+ at least, is to keep everyone doing their own job. Maldraxxus is for a battle shaman, one who made her deals with the elements ultimately for glory and honour on the field of battle. . 2. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now (started playing mid December) and recently got into arenas with a friend at for the last few weeks. 5 we'll be able to switch more easily if you do decide to stick with resto for highest level Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I love shaman, he is the healer I Mained in most expansions, but had to let him Unless you are pushing m+20 keys or mythic raiding past the first 3 bosses or so don't worry about an entire second gearset, iirc enha favors haste mostly and resto favors crit but highest ilvl gear matters most above anything and don't worry about possibly suboptimal covenant either, in 9. I’ve played a decent amount of resto shaman in Cataclysm classic and recently decided to return to Dragonflight and so far my impression has been mixed. Best thing to do is to keep your healing rain and healing stream totems down, and use cloudburst when people are starting to take party wide damage. Enough people in the comments have already explained why that’s the case. Thank you. I have been occasionally playing with friends WoW since TBC, then in Legion we started to play actively mainly PvE content. 4M subscribers in the wow community. Even if resto shaman covenants Discussion hi! i main resto shammy and i love the whole aspect of essentially being the avatar master of all the elements, but lately i’ve been having a hard time picking my guy up and playing him bc of the lore and aesthetics - necrolord cov is so anti sham to me, esp as a draenei, idk what to do, it seems silly but it’s I am AOTC venthyr resto sham. My resto shaman also a hard one. She puts herself at great risk for the good of the clan, selflessly healing their wounds or crushing their enemies with the power of the elements. So I am currently leveling a Resto Shaman roughly around 110. I was a total noob when I made the choice to go with my current covenant. But REALLY want to like melee shaman/heal I really don’t know what shaman spec I will like but don’t want to be handicapped but covenant choice and have to re do one campaign once I settle on a spec. Best of all: Unlike all the I have four resto shaman. In casual raiding, a good resto sham who knows their kit can pull off some serious saves. No mythic raiding, no pushing high keys (as of right now). Go to WCL, search for global healing rankings, and click through various shamans to see the raid comps. 1, it's looking like Kyrian will be bis. Probably necrolord. Question about covenants . Yesterday I started dipping my toe in shaman healing. I have 3 60s that are tank spec. Although kyrial css on self to get the +15% healing done for 10sec doesn't seem bad, it can There are plenty of examples on WCL of Naxx 25 runs with resto shamans in a 2 heal composition. I came back to bfa wow end of last year after a long hiatus- wotlk was when I was last active. The post on wowhead about resto shaman does a good job of summarizing the state we are currently in. This is obtained by choosing Kyrian as your covenant in Shadowlands. I will also do the heroic alt raids my guild offers to help gear myself. This however makes the rotation a little more complex. Make sure to go theotar the mad for soul bind, at least for raids or M+ when that soothing shade procts giving you 525 mastery (I hit upwards of 115% mastery with it) you can pump some big wellsprings out to the group all helping to fill your cloud burst totem. I'm looking to possibly try it as my main alt in SL but I'm unsure what the best Covenant best for resto? And Best for pvp & mythic+? Could use some advice! Lontar, Absterge and Gorecki (multi r1 Resto Shaman streamers) all stated they will go Necrolord. 5 shoulders. Question In my personal opinion, here are the covenant selections based on the content: Necrolord: Good all rounder for M+, PvP, and Raiding. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I’d highly recommend getting some M+ healing experience under your belt on the new character before you “put your eggs in that basket. currently restoration shaman suffers from having two different optimal covenant choices in raid and m+: necrolord and kyrian. Comparatively, my fae hpal feels I'm an Enhancement Shaman for open world and questing and Resto Shaman for dungeons and raids. Would necrolord or venthyr be the better choice? Also, does Legendary changed based on covenant? If you have the Necrolords currently selected as your covenant this can happen since you technically know two versions of the spell but one can only be used in the Shadowlands. Some might be stronger than the others, but they’re all viable. Because of this, MWs tend to be the better of the two in 5man content, whereas shamans tend to be better in So realistically there is no covenant that will have more shamans then others. If you were a shaman more devoted to doing whatever it takes to restore balance to the world, the elements, etc. In Shadowlands I now feel a lot more confident. This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. Resisting a 5s stun and wasting 5 combo points is huge. I think night fae or venthyr wont be a bad choice either way coz every form of mobility will be a godsend. Or check it out in the app stores   resto shaman is the worst healer for mythic+. 47 votes, 29 comments. I only touched normals but so far really enjoyed it. Necro! Also I chose Venthyr because it was a good choice for resto shaman, which I'm maining. One for each covenant. It also does its best to explain what we will be gaining going into SL, but I feel like it leaves out some things about what has made shaman great and fun to play in the past. I've cleared upto 4/10 Mythic CN on my shaman, parsing highly all of the time. They all feel good in slightly different ways, so even though necro is technically the "best" at the moment, the others are all very close in terms of how they feel to play. I used to be anxious about switching from necro to kyrian because I liked the instant insane heal from primordial wave + fleshcraft. Shaman overall, not just resto, do not have enough defensive CDs to stay alive in high pressure environments. I was resto/ele shaman back then as main and had a few tanks as Alts. Hey, 1700io Prot pally looking to heal on resto shaman. Or check it out in the app stores   your title says Resto shaman but it seems you're looking for info on resto druid. They do, however, require more skill to output the same amount of The beauty of the restoration shaman is that all four covenants are viable for both raids and m+. I have played resto shaman quite a bit and never felt super comfortable in mythic before. I will focus on M+, bgs, and some Lfr. Or check it out in the app stores   Your covenant legendary is garbage (necro), and your primary healing legendary (earth shield) is good but doesn't feel impactful. Ele Shaman Covenant . (Note: I personally don't find disc that difficult to play at all) Resto shaman is highly sought after in other raid and m+ due to the insane amount of utility it brings. Kyrian is cool too imo, maybe I'll respec resto and change to them, since it's the last covenant I'm not having a character in and my warrior is venthyr as well. I’m playing resto shaman and he’s playing ret. Warrior cats is about clans of Posted by u/Funkypants00 - No votes and 4 comments I took the venthyr ability on my enhancement shaman. my biggest wished change is getting either Kyrian or Venthyr Hello all, I was really torn on what healer to main in Shadowlands. Everyone knew about them and what they did but Shaman is the only class that didn't get to keep theirs. Come 9. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. However I strongly suggest that you try the covenant at 9. 5 when you won’t have to grind all covenant chapters, and just craft the 225 or 235 legendary. Resto all covenants are viable, so really just depends on which spec you plan on playing most and which content. Probably Night Fae. Your team needs to be hyper aggressive and score a kill soon because you will not stand up to a warrior/DH/BM’s pressure for very long. I would recommend Kyrian though I am not a fan Learn how to pick the Best Covenant for your Restoration Shaman in Dragonflight Pre-Patch. i/e tank just needs to keep aggro and stay alive, healer just needs to focus on keeping people In general, healing M+ is completely different than any other content. Recently started bringing around my other toons to sl, and am back to my original main - Tauren shaman. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked 10 votes, 13 comments. Hi all, I am making an alt Resto Shaman whos purpose will primarily be M+ for ~15s. For those not wanting to use Reddit anymore discuss Guild Wars 2 on Necro is best for Ele and Resto shaman, but pretty bad for Enh (getting buffed in 9. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Or check it out in the app stores   MW are very strong single target healers whereas Resto shamans thrive in group healing, particularly when the group is stacked. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. A community for World of Warcraft PVP I’m playing ret and my partner is either going to be elemental or resto. 2, you'll have even more options: on top of the venthyr one, Deeptremor or Skybreaker will also work very well. Vesper Totem is a ground-targeted cooldown ability that places a totem at the designated area. Shaman: Bastion is for a shaman who fights to defend others. 1. I’m glad that you’re enjoying your Shaman but healing low-level dungeons isn’t giving you any idea of how they heal in +11s, +16s, +20s, etc. Atleast on our Raid team we had 2x resto shammys topping the meters when we cleared CN HC, one of them changed guild so i decided to step up in line and leveled resto shammy (used to play one during legion and it was amazing) so far im 200ish item level with necrolord Covenant and i can easily heal +10 keys. Resto shaman is a miserable experience at the moment. kyrian is still good enough in raid though to the point where many fights have a kyrian shaman in the top 100 parses. Next read some guides from wowhead like I'm seeing a lot of differing suggestions on what soulbind to use in M+ on my Venthyr resto shaman. Will most likely play ele/heal since used to ranged. And on that I think resto shaman is looking very good (not that the other two are unplayable, but rsham is certainly respectable and arguably the better of the three). I feel like the big 3 covenant abilities throughout all classes were Convoke, Divine Toll, and Chain Harvest. Regularly pull top heals in any group. hence the multiple Resto shaman is very weak to getting trained. We only used chain harvest becaus it had better tuning and the haste from the necrolords legendary isn' very good on resto. as of 9. I’ve never felt more impactful in very desperate situations than as a resto shaman. however, most people agree, raw healing output is resto shaman and its better at carrying pugs. I finished my KSM as resto shaman, got bored with it, and i’m now one SD 15 away from getting it again on a holy paladin. So what would be the big differences be if I chose to switch my covenant? Would I lose much power is Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. That’s just how the meta is atm. 5 for Enh). In my opinion resto shaman isn't worth the stress right now lol The problem with these covenant abilities for Elemental Shaman specifically is that we NEED to know what kind of effects that our Legendary's are going to provide. Yes, these are typically top players, but it proves capability despite what metaslaves think. Sucks to be a healer. But PvP happens mainly in Arenas or Battlegrounds. for some reason the reddit app on my phone doesn't respond well to live chat and doesn't allow me to type more than a set amount of words. Our resto druid just carried us so hard. Although I still think resisting a full kidney can give a chance to the Shaman. current r1 US m+ healer is a venthyr pally. Necrolord is the best Hpal and rSham do different things. My destro warlock is a hard one coz i think its hard to say which covenant will become meta. Should you be a Kyrian, Necrolord, Night Fae, or Venthyr? Necrolord is generally considered BiS for resto shaman for both M+ and raiding. I ran Venthyr for a good while as resto, and loved chain harvest and the covenant legendary. This is a stupid question. Personally, I went Necro for Holy/Shadow. I played 3 healers so far in mythic+10, priest, shaman and evoker and shaman gave me the most trouble by far. However - on my Holy Paladin its like eating with Resto Shamans are in a very weird place right now. Venthyr and Kyrian are both also choices that won’t gibble you in either content. The best part was our 10 man was all college buddies. Just chill keys, not anything above a 15. What covenant/legendary will do the absolute most damage? Been seeing holy pally with Ashen Hallow be able to solo prides and I was wondering if shaman has anything similar damage wise that it can pull off. So I started WoW late last year and have recently leveled a paladin to level 60 to try something other than Resto Shaman. After legion, we lost a lot of the synergies we had between our spells and bringing some of them Kyrian Shaman Covenant Ability This is the Kyrian Covenant Ability for Shamans available to all three specializations. Wowhead suggests Theotar and Nadjia in different sections of their guide and Icyveins says Draven. In my revival my main focus has been tanking. I'm leveling a resto shaman for pvp, are there any good written guides I can follow? Most of the stuff I found is videos that contain mostly Arena footage or 20 minutes of talents, gear and covenant, however I can look that up myself but I have no idea about which spells to cast when and in which order, so really basic micro, rotations and cooldown usage. the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies Venthyr used to be the bis covenant which was fairly straightforward but in 9. too bad the other 3 Covenant abilities are not even near it. It was a close call between that and necrolords, but I already have two necrolords characters. Any tips on maximizing our gameplay? shaman should play resto and have arena 1/2 earth shock and purge. Riptide is a major part of the kit and does a ton of healing, combo this with the riptide legendary and not only can you have 6+ riptides out you use the necro ability to healing surge everyone who has a riptide on them for even more healing. Better Q would be like resto shaman vs hpri vs rDru, as those are your reactive raid healers (hpal tank healer). Night Fae Let me explain something: resto Shamans aren't completely useless and are completely capable of healing higher keys. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and Hi all, i have a shammy level 50 and was wondering which cov i want to pick. If you swap covenants this stops happening (had to do the same on my Shaman at the start of DF). Cloud burst totem is really good, especially with the soul bind that makes your next three heals heal for 25% more (that's just a I am maining resto shaman with ardenweld covenant (elemental-earthquake leggo), my partner is arms warrior with venthyr (his leggos vary with comp we are against). World of Warcraft on Reddit! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. One of the best of Ele Sham in PvP It's superb for Enhancement and pretty decent for Resto. I tend to agree. their mastery means they are good on progression and fall off pretty Our team won solely because our 10 man had a holy paladin and a resto drud. Resto shaman is an amazingly strong healer in pugs. 5 this will be a non-issue though. On my future main, rshaman, I'm probably going 4/5 might even go 5/5 T4, skip T5 and then most parts of T6. If one of the legendary effects is, lets say: "Searing Totem applies Flame shock with each hit and prioritizes targets without flame shock" then Primordial Wave is obviously going to 112K subscribers in the worldofpvp community. raid playstyle on resto shaman is a little boring - most of your healing is wellspring into cloudburst after aoe phase and keeping up healing rain and keeping riptide on cd. stats, covenants, soulbinds, and conduits. 8 of us would come over to one persons house and we'd all Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Venthyr is solid for Enh and not too bad for Resto either, especially for M+. If you've been more focused on being a war shaman who fights with the aid of the elements. Your second legendary is shit, your set bonus is The post on wowhead about resto shaman does a good job of summarizing the state we are currently in. Pwave is by far the most interesting shaman covenant spell and I am glad it's returning Picked up shaman looking for a change of pace, healing and melee shaman looked cool. Holy can kind of pick whatever and do well regardless of choice. As for Priest, Venthyr is best for Disc and decent for Shadow. We are hovering in the 1360-1400 range. After legion, we lost a lot of the synergies we had between our spells and bringing some of them For legendary, I'd suggest either the covenant legendary (for healing, mostly), or Deeptremor (for damage). 0. All that being said, don’t swap to resto shaman if that’s not what you want to play. I am loving the play style and really want to main it in I've played fury warr in classic and haven't touched a Tier piece excpt t2. In SL we started to get into Arenas, mainly 2v2. You can stack mastery so that your heals hit harder the lower your targets health is. Primordial Wave is easily the most interesting Shaman covenant ability with the ability to cleave your heals or Lava Bursts. As a resto shaman, Venthyr isn’t great for ele, but neither is night fae really. Hey everybody, im a resto shaman at 60 with 40 renown for necrolords. When you cast a damage ability the totem radiates AoE damage to 6 Shamans have a unique toolkit that lets them get away with some shenanigans. I'm guessing I have to pick one Covenant for both? Idk anything about shaman so I would see what covenant ability is best for the content you care most about and go with that. vucr bnjjy iptl uzpenue xmdphdmd gbwo wtfy lkkf iipgp retowh zox dmtq qefych edgg hphhrpx