Plutonium bo2 commands. RensoAlexander you might find them by searching on Google.
Plutonium bo2 commands BO2 eventually becomes completely unplayable. Didn't realise this was updated! Awesome to see you added the health/armor option! After a quick test though I noticed 2 things, one being the upgrade health option is pretty much free as long as you have 100+ points and Resxt Yea I downloaded the repository and then took only the raw and extracted it into the local app data folder but thats all I did. Custom CMD Commands. i need a list with all console commands, especially ones to be used on private matches on multiplayer like name of maps to change in the matches Each command has its own file which makes it very easy to configure, to pick the ones you want, to review and edit their code and even to create your own. x Runtime or newer []/[]. No matter which game you're trying to play the first step is to follow each other on the forum. shinobu_kocho For "unlimited" ammo you can type this commands = /player_clipSizeMultiplier 999 and then /give Ammo it gaves you so much ammo for your clip weapon that appear "unlimited"is the easy way, instead of using mods BO2 Client Support; Zombie Commands; Zombie Commands. 78 votes, 46 comments. RamullaJuggalo. you can't actually change the round with a console command directly. BO2 Server Hosting Support; Server commands; Server commands. It is possible but with custom, dvar´s that you declare in the scripts. It works both in We are trying to host a South African BO2 Zombies Server and the host can connect but no one else can. Like most people, I really hate the fog on Tranzit. the only way to have BO2 Server Hosting Support; How do i add bots in my server? H3X1C Plutonium Staff. Insert the desired value in conjunction with the inequality signs. I am trying to use the "give" command and nothing is working. Customizable colors and hotkeys. undefined 1 Reply Last reply . Write better code with AI level. Si vous avez un clavier 60% vous devez appuyer sur FN et ECHAP. Verify your GSC looks like mine, and is in the correct location. Oldest to You can only turn off certain dvars to achieve more fps if your running a potato pc and of coarse lower all graphic settings and play in window borderless, etc. gsc file then compile it and put the compiled script in the right folder. KsK_Iver i did unlock all but then i cant get BO2 Modding Releases & Resources [ZM] Universal bank for server and custom games You can access the bank via chat commands which you can find more details about at the repo: https: JezuzLizard Plutonium Step 3. Ox_ I got around to making a simple waw style timer: #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups; Comment personnaliser vos jetons Rank, Prestige et Prestige #. Retour Les commandes des grades Description. Download. Everywhere I look people know the exact format for this command on BO1, but that format does not work for me on BO2, and no one online seems to know the correct format for BO2, so if anyone here uses that command at all or knows the correct format I would greatly appreciate it. smooki. I have found a few threads on this but they all seem to be old and I can't get it to work. This topic has been deleted. wrote on last edited by #3. Ce sera habituellement un tilde (` or ~) ou un ² sur les claviers AZERTY. d . scr_screecher_ignore_player 1 Here's a list of weapons to use when editing the config file to bind a key to the command /give (weapon name)_upgraded?_zm. thank you for your time. Make a Hi. Right not really iw4madmin support but!rcon command replace "command" with whatever you would normally type into the server console. Je cherche juste une liste de commandes amusantes pour les zombies, j'ai déjà trouvé god et noclip. ) Enjoy! I tried testing it in the launcher and it works for me. replied to JezuzLizard on last edited by #3. (BO1 and BO2) 1 Reply Last reply . It didn't have a description, and I cant find any bo2 zombies Resxt Plutonium Staff. wrote on last edited by #9. Put your resolution on the lowest value, put all your settings to low and start nuketown in a private match. Commands, or dvars, can be executed using external consoles or using the ingame console (plutoniom & redacted only) INDEX: Full Dvar list Tedbone there are no commands for that in bo2. For example "cg_drawGun <1>". Skip to content. As for basic commands I don't think there are and you don't really need them anyways, most things are not done with commands Hey, Im wondering if i could give my friend some money in zombies. statsetbyname rankxp <XP> in console. 7, and the "double switch" command switches your weapon twice, the command is /bind mouse5 "weapnext; wait2; weapnext" that allows me to switch my gun twice, which i can use for faster reloads, its not that noticable on MW2 and BO2 but im used to it from cod4 so i put it on every older You should disable Steam's controller support (or exit Steam completely) before trying controllers on Plutonium. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Client Support 32 Posts 14 Posters 2. See Murmur there also command "bot_enemies ××" and "bot_friends ××", that help you to spawn bots in one team. 8k Views. replied to Xeratone on last edited by #2 undefined Offline. Black ops 2 plutonium commands (in)COMPLETE BO2 DVAR/CONFIG GUIDE FOR EDITING This Page contains information about bo2 commands, as well as a full command list. (Optional) Hosting a second server #. 5k Views. I can't disable fog using any of the fog disabling commands in the console, such as r_fog or r_fogdisable @Maykel89-CUBA For iw5, with this plugin you can deactivate the chat by means of a "mutePlayer clientid" command, you can do it with gsc to each client that connects. statsetbyname rankxp # to change your amount of XP. 1 Reply Last reply . This commands can be typed in lobby before "xpartygo", but to set their difficulty you need to type Yes, you can use the UnlockAll feature on every game supported either with a command or, when supported, with the game's menus. Je veux juste trouver SilentWraith19 I just typed it and it worked. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Server Hosting Support 5 Posts 3 Posters 2. This could help BO2 Client Support; Binding console command; Does anyone know how to bind console commands? undefined 1 Reply Last reply . BO2 Client Support; Create a command to set every dvar you need and then copy and paste in the console bar. Below is a pretty detailed, compiled and categorized list of commands that you can use. w . For BO2, you can use the FEddd plugin, using with GSC "onPlayerSay", check the documentation, you can cancel the sending of messages for everyone. You would need a mod to give yourself points and we don't distribute mods, they are community made (check bo2 mod release section on the forum, maybe such thing Zenoish said in Stick Deadzone options:. essentially this gives you the gun you put at the end of it. Servers that have a Fps command just coded it in themselves by disabling certain dvars to give more fps to players. But even sv_cheats 1 and devm hello, there are console commands that help optimize bo2 zombies, can you please tell me oooooVOIDooooo this is the right command, do it while in the menu and then click create a class and you'll see you'll have 17 slots Also note that a lot of servers will kick you if you have any class with more than 10 slots in your current class group so I recommend having a class group/section for 10 and another for 17 when it comes to sensitivity i just typed /sensitivity 1. I just got BO2 plutonium and it works almost flawlessly. this shits wack yo my fov is so zoomed in its unplayable. map mp_mapname 1 Reply Last reply . chat_commands["no_commands_message"] = array("^1No commands found", "You either ^1didn't add any chat_command file ^7to add a new command I was messing around with some of the commands in a private lobby with cheats enabled, testing out jump height and gravity and I noticed the give command. in the next update sv_cheats 1 should work for server admins, to allow more fps commands. Définir le prestige #. Open BO2, start a new Private Match or Dedicated Server, your GSC script should load. Download . Mr. Just type in the game console these two commands: set scr_screecher_ignore_player 1. ; 6. after enabling cheats (thereisacow 1337;developer 1;sv_cheats 1;monkeytoy 0), I attempted to run the "give" command. BO1 BO2 MW3 WaW BO1. I typed this into my console as follows: statsetbyname rankxp 81700. In addition to that you have to make a Listener on the Dvar that detects when the value changes. Share Add a Comment. This will usually be tilde (` or ~) or ² on AZERTY keyboards. Id like to know how to add bots, change map and a couple other things, I used to Lionhearted1928 he's not being a dick, there is no such command. but I want to know useful commands for online for general helpful use. This guide will teach you how to play with friends over the internet in a custom games match. statsetbyname plevel # to change your prestige level. TSGNRage Maybe server hosters can change the XP rate on their server but I'm really not sure about this. The following are not cheat protected and work: r_detail 0 Une fois que vous avez lancer votre jeu appuyez sur la touche en dessous de ECHAP. There are three ways to do this (ranked from least chance to work to always working) Start the map with the devmap command for example devmap nazi_zombie_prototype. it is very simple to use. 0. Run Black Ops Zombies 2 in window mode and press the Just looking for a list of fun commands for zombies, already found god and noclip. Commands without the BO2 Modding Releases & Resources [Resource] Custom CMD Commands [Resource] Custom CMD Commands. i can do the . I am still relatively new to plutonium and i am not sure how things work. aka doing a clean restart fast_restart restarts the current map and mode too but is slightly faster and won't reload scripts. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. 0 There's a Give command to give points in COD BO2? This topic has been deleted. There are commands to set your level and prestige if that's what you want. replied to GodIy on last edited by #2. wrote on last edited by #2. ; Follow the IW4MAdmin setup guide. Dss0 above 2048x1536 the game don't want to set a higher resolution in fullscreen mode. RensoAlexander you might find them by searching on Google. We will not remove the FPS cap from BO2 until these severe issues have been patched. Verify g_logSync is set to 2. Only on Plutonium T6 you can use a function to add commands in console to activate what you want. Is there a list of commands that can help with this? What ports do we need open? And do we need our ISP to open the Open the console, type in: cg_fov 75, and execute the command (or any other number between 65 and 80, just make sure you remember that number). d and . Just wana find how go get points and weapons. Then try to jump out of a window. @oMattify has bots in his server by using custom commands in GSC, admin types spawnbot in console and they will spawn. UnlockAll with a command # For any game you can Stangz1ma said in Any Fps Console commands for bo2? Also any way to increase Ram Usage?: nvs 4200m. is there a way to hotkey fast restart? or do you have to type it in commands every time? thanks Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Client Support 3 Posts 3 Posters 3. replied to RensoAlexander on last edited by #2. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Modding Releases & Resources 125 Posts 89 Posters 51. Une fois que vous avez lancer votre jeu appuyez sur la touche en dessous de ECHAP. You can get the map name by starting the map normally and typing mapname in the console once in-game; Use a mod menu, for Hello Plutonium, Description: This project adds the option to select your character on every map in a solo custom game Project link: With custom zombie map ( Zombies mode items, in case if you forgot ) ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ ️WORKS ONLY ON SOLO️ Use one of the following values with the ” /give [item name]” code in Zombies mo How to get perfect Borderless Windowed Mode #. 7k Views. This basically adds a fast_restart bind to solo or lan the idea is to make it easier for people who do not want to setup a server with plugins. If those 2 dvars aren't already working in a gsc its because they are read only which Specifically for BO2. I used 81700 in order to change to level 17, so type whatever xp from the xp table in order to get to your correct level. So now every time I load tranzit, buried, town, bus depot or farm I Just curious as it seems like something they would've added for a command DontGetItMistaken Mar 13, 2021 @ 5:20am Ok Cheers Kuma [author] Mar 11, 2021 @ 11:31am no, but you can speed time with the timescale Resxt Plutonium Staff. You will see what I mean. I see most console commands are locked I just want to mess around in solo zombies with any console command cheats, I've seen stuff saying you need to launch into a map using a command thats not shown or editing text files? This project is a "coop pause" for Zombie with basic things like : -Freeze Zombies -God Mode players -Ignore Players -Stop Zombies Spawns UPDATE 17/02/2025 : Contribute to Resxt/Plutonium-T6-Scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. It only takes a few lines of code to make a command. 2k Views. Ses avantages sont divers, il vous donne accès à un kit ( #Les kits), plus de homes ( #Commandes pour les homes) @lResxt I tried to add a bind to fast_restart command but I found it doesn't do anything even with the console or modifying the bindings_zm. BO2 Modding Releases & Resources [Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks [Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks. money the 3 commands it was can I put something is the command tab when you hit ~ that gives me points in zombies or am I just dumb hindercanrun well removing fog can make any map look somewhat decent, just a shame zalinksy was ahead of time because the xbox 360 and ps3 wouldn't have been able to handle it. go to CE, press the red/green glowing "Teleport zombies to crosshair , god mode, ammo, lock spread, give cash, rapid fire, gravity, play speed, timescale, auto semis, teleport & more. You can also find a list of maps in the config i posted above, the command for those is just. It is worth noting not all commands are A script is a set of commands in a file (I'm making it simple here). 4" You can replace m by any key that's not used. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Client Support 8 Posts 4 Posters 1. Already tried the Monkeytoy config, devmap and sv_cheats 1 but nothing works. . undefined Offline. What are all the commands i need to know/are important to play bo2 plutonium? luigistyle So in bo2 there are 3 types of dvars: public dvars which can be changed in the console, cheat dvars which can only be changed by setting their values in the gscs, and read only dvars which can only be changed when developer mode is active or by directly editing memory. Artemites. Also you can't change the game mode on the fly, you have to restart the map or load a new map for it to actually change. The Plutonium Project is a CoD mod that aims to improve upon your favorite games. If it doesn't work axic the pylon being lit up indicates that someone in the lobby at the start of the match had the Easter Egg side completed that’s corresponding to the colour that the pylon is glowing in. What you need is to open a notepad, paste what he sent and save it as a . wrote on last edited by #5. Keep the cg_fov in order as seen in step 2 and you should be good! If any problems, I can try to answer them to the best of my ability. Plutonium Home; BO2 Modding Support & Discussion Home; BO2 Modding Support & Discussion; command for bank; command for bank. redefined. Last question, is there a command to give perks? greetings fellow gamers. JezuzLizard said in [GSC] Zombies Custom Powerup | Unlimited Ammo:. and then. Vous pouvez également utilise Ive been trying to enable Console commands for private matches and always gives me the message "a mod is required to use this cheat". Once in game, open the console and then copy and paste the following: "when your FPS is high. bdg file. Example would be 'bind P "give thundergun_upgraded_zm"' Code: hindercanrun It´s a Script. FragsAreUs Plutonium 4. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Don't really see the point of having 2x XP. 5. Hi there, I thought I'd create an command guide for the mod "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies - Reimagined". here are how i can restart a zombies custom game with commands? The game offers a ton of commands for the player to use should they have /developer 2 enabled, some of which are extremely useful for the average player and some of which have no use unless you know what you're doing. This Subreddit is NOT an Official Plutonium Subreddit wanna just mess around and explore the maps but on certain maps such as Just looking for a list of fun commands for zombies, already found god and noclip. yea that's below bo2's minimum system requirements, you're already getting as much fps as possible with your hardware, nothing you can do This can easily be configured within Plutonium. /cg_fov 40 will customise the field of view /cg_fovscale 2 will customise the field of view scale /sensitivity 1 sets your in-game sensitivity, This command can be used to Its 200% the fault of your internet, we however are already working on a solution. Resxt Plutonium Staff. the commands are from the Bo2 Mod, all command can yoo find on GitHub and Plutonium in Game but is a long way to find Argument Commands An argument command is one which requires a value of 0 or 1 to toggle. Hi, im looking for a document with a lot of the commands for the server side of plutonium T6. 0. in console with the command r_mode above 2048x1536 it reset to default 800x600 after vid restart. Do I have to install the mod for IX4 and have IX4 downloaded to get this to work for T6 or not because I have done what it said to do but it doesn't actually spawn any bots. luigistyle Plutonium Staff. 1. Sort by: Best games and used the console to enable cheats nothings working for me does anyone have any other tips I just downloaded plutonium the other day and still getting used to it Commands for BO2 Reimagined (Plutonium Only!) By SpaceKrieger. For the Easter Egg tracker box not showing any lights despite of this, make sure to not build any of the Gallows nor Guillotine parts before checking the Easter Eggs tracker box, as . If you have a 60% keyboard you should press FN and ESC instead. Simply go to Steam Settings -> Controller -> General Controller Settings ZirFox80s Thank you for this video! It's interesting how the game appears to be functioning normally and having no problems and then something happens and crashes you out. Docs Stats Forum Discord Donate. Not a single You don't need a GSC script to do this. Then you could change them via the console. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 Client Support 2 Posts 2 Posters 42 Views. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Dss0 Plutonium Staff. As i said, you'd need a mod. Improvement suggestions are always welcome. Easter Egg statsetbyname sq_transit_last_completed 2; statsetbyname sq_highrise_last_completed 2; statsetbyname sq_buried_last_completed 2 Values: Plutonium offers a unique Black Ops 2, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3 and World At War experience. Also good advice on the usage of injectors in online mode. NET Core 6. what are the commands for god mode and no clip? is there Black ops 2 plutonium commands (in)COMPLETE BO2 DVAR/CONFIG GUIDE FOR EDITING This Page contains information about bo2 commands, as well as a full command list. Download IW4MAdmin. However idk of any mods that work in private match and also you'd have to play in lan mode otherwise the anticheat would ban you. But I noticed that the game feels a bit unresponsive and it felt like I didnt have full control of my aim on my controller but, I knew right away that this was because the stick minimum input threshold better known as "deadzone" was placed at a very high setting. Join 820 players across 823 servers playing the games you map_restart is what you need if you want to reload scripts etc. " I've been enjoying playing Bo2 with bots using the xstartpartyhost command and I know you can change the gamemode using set_gametype command, but I can't seem to find a way to play hardcore I would imagine the command would be something like "set_gametype hardcore tdm" (for hardcore team deathmatch) but it must be something else which I can't BO2 Client Support; Xp command? Xp command? HannesC Plutonium Staff. Most of the commands don't work due the sv_cheats 0 . Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved BO2 and good evening I am looking for something that I would see only for my server I wanted to know how I can create a command which allows to do . Vous I see the console has been updated but I want to use console commands in solo in LAN for using commands like give, god, noclip. Dans la console, tapez la commande suivante, en remplaçant le hachage par le BO2 Modding Support & Discussion; Command to give yourself a weapon? JezuzLizard Plutonium Staff. the UNOFFICIAL subreddit for the CoD Black Ops 2 and Modern Warfare 3 Project called “Plutonium”. replied to smooki on last edited by #3. Afin de compléter tout cela, vous devez savoir comment ouvrir la console de jeu, assurez-vous d’exécuter ces commandes dans le menu principal, leur utilisation ailleurs peut provoquer un comportement inattendu. or do bind p "dvar1 1;dvar2 1,dvar3 0" and press p to set back your custom dvar. BO2 Client Support "Connect" Command does not work "Connect" Command does not work. BO2 Client Support; Server disconnect lost realiable commands; Server disconnect lost realiable commands. [Resource] [MP/ZM] Black Ops 2: Weapons List, Attachments, Button Codes & More! I just finished organizing an entire weapons list for myself so I figured I might as well throw it on the forums to help out anyone that may Once you launch your specific game, press the key under ESC. Here is all the dvars for bo2 with description. Oldest to Newest. w command but im not sure what command to use to give someone money. Is there a list for the names of guns in black ops 2 i can use to give myself anything? I have tried to give myself stuff using a dev name but nothing is working. GodIy /bind m "cg_fovscale 1. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Avoir un grade sur le serveur vous donne de nombreux avantages. pucynecbrntkzklnpvcpxrdociqzzrqrsjmzvwydxybtnjikkzafiuddwqljwlhwswbnhxrfwipzk