Java swing timer lambda The Timer is initialized with a delay of 1000 milliseconds (1 second) and an ActionListener that increments a counter and updates the label each time the timer ticks. Timer; public class Test { private Timer timer; public Test() { } } 2. This is how I solved it: Right-Click on your project, select Properties. Swings eigener Timer Swing stellt, wie die meisten anderen grafischen Oberflächen auch, einen Timer zur Verfügung. Timer which is probably what you need, and java. The start() method begins the timer, and it will continue to run until it is stopped or the application is closed. Timer class; Filthy Rich Clients book (Java client apps) Before I go, here's a link to the terrific Filthy Rich Clients book on Amazon. First, its event handling metaphor is familiar to Timer timer = new Timer (); timer. exporter. The render time is well below a half millisecond, so the 12 millisecond period (~83 Hz) is plenty of time to finish a frame, typically taking less that 10% of one core. You can either use a lambda, such as -> System. DocumentListener then you hard to set Focus to the desired JComponents The accepted answer did not work for me. 2. This is a simulation attempt of an "old-style game", where a "car" (nothing more than a red rectangle) must dodge some "obstacles" (blue squares) falling from the upper edge of the frame. Tasks may be scheduled for one-time execution, or for repeated execution at regular intervals. It will also create the context for graceful closing of the application later. *; after this you may add \$\begingroup\$ It's on my list of things to go back and redo if it is not a major issue; this question is meant to determine how much of an issue it is. Im trying a small test on Timer animation in Java. 文章浏览阅读734次。计时器(Timer)组件可以在指定时间间隔触发一个或多个 ActionEvent。设置计时器的过程包括创建一个 Timer 对象,在该对象上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,以及使用 start() 方法启动该计时器。例如,以下代码创建并启动一个每秒(该时间由 Timer 构造方法的第一个参数指定)触发一 This simple Stopwatch App in Java using Swing demonstrates how to build a GUI application with basic time-keeping functionality. Dimension; import java. ) of a JComponent so why didnt you use paintComponent (it still seems to reproduce results)? And another question why will increasing the sleep(int milis) not increase Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. How to make a Timer that waits one second & then continues on with program? 0. Otherwise if you are using the non-Swing Timer than you need to shut it down with cancel() . Select JRE System Library. The Overflow Blog “Translation is the tip of the iceberg”: A deep dive into specialty models. For more examples and help in choosing between this In this example we are going to demonstrate Java Swing Timer, A swing timer fires one or more ActionEvent at specified intervals. println("running"); } }); But, when I'm trying to set the delay variable dynamically Swing timers are the easiest in your case. 1 引入前的诉求! 抛开Lambda表达式不 Discover the best practices for utilizing TimerTask with lambda expressions in Java, enhancing your coding efficiency and clarity. Timer更通用,并且具有更多功能。 There is way too much code posted in the question to study it and adjust it. JPanel; import javax. Timer or javax. Java Lambda Expressions. If you are using Swing then do not use Thread. 1: Output. How to implement a count down timer in swing. Timer更通用,具有更多的功能。 +1 you nailed it. Using lambda expressions for event handling in Java Swing applications offers several benefits: 这意味着Timer的动作处理程序可以安全地对Swing组件执行操作。 但是,这也意味着处理程序必须快速执行以保持GUI的响应。 在v 1. Timerクラスはスケジュールを設定するのみ; TimerTask 这意味着Timer的操作处理程序可以安全地对Swing组件执行操作。 但是,这也意味着处理程序必须快速执行以保持GUI响应。 在v 1. client. Java Swing Fade Out Background. 1. Furthermore, you have full control over created threads, if you want Figure 1: Swing Timer Demo. 它也没有被重构到默认实现的接口中,因为它携带状态,所以无法做到这一点。 Have you ever tried fading out a JLabel or a component from transparency to semi transparency and then to pure opacity. *; 5 import javax. Timer. Where there are three buttons and a rectangle. HTTPServer; public class In this article, we shall discuss the Java Timer Class and some of its important methods with an example. The problem is that when I check 'checkBoxMenuItem`, scan method What does that have to do with a timer running somewhere in the background, and why does this happen in the range of values described? I've read that JFrame is a top-level container for Swing, but if Swing stuff needs it to work, why does the timer sometimes works at all without it? Does it have to do with garbage collection or something? Time: I was encouraged to use the Java Swing timer rather than the crude method of Thread. ; You should rather (when/where necessary), implement a Runnable see here for a short example, however I cannot see the need for both a Thread and Timer in the snippet In the above code, we replace the anonymous inner class ActionListener with a lambda expression (e -> { /* event handling code */ }). out. Next, we define a class called Java Swing Timer. Basics; Code; Control Statements; File; Misc; OOP; Timer timer: A Swing Timer that updates the time display every millisecond. sleep in your paintComponent, that's the point of have the Timer. event. ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor can be configured with any number of threads. You shouldn't be using java. import javax. Don't call timer. Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 20:59. 0. However, when it comes to the TimerTask class, 1. schedul The following code demonstrates using a Timer for removing an icon from a JLabel after DURATION. Timer yourTimer = new javax. Commented Oct 29, 2019 at 10:43. it is easier than swing and it also creates automatic threads each time you run. A lambda expression is used to create the digital clock as follows: Timer timer = new Timer(1000, e -> Updating the state of a Swing component must happen on the Event Dispatch Thread (the EDT). For some reason it doesn't repeat itself and only works once. concurrent package. 文章浏览阅读567次。1. schedule (new TimerTask { @Override public void run { System. addActionListener(e -> selectionButtonPressed()); In this case, e is the ActionEvent. The timer will call the actionPerformed method when it expires. Java gui countdown. Depending on what you want to do, you could do something like ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { The other answers assume you are not using Swing for your user interface (button). Timer 的基本功能相同,但是 java. private static Timer obRunTime = new Timer(); public static void main( String[] args ) { obRunTime. Timer(1000, (ae) -> this::checkDirectory). ; Don't call Thread. Java (Swing): MouseMoved not working at all. Lambda表达式的基础语法) 15. Timer クラスの使い方です。 Timer クラスは一定時間毎に処理を行いたい場合に利用します。指定した間隔毎に ActionEvent が発行されるため actionPerformed メソッド内に処理を記述することで繰り返し行う処理を簡単に作成することができます。ここでは Timer クラスの使い方について解説します。 I have the following Timer code below, but want to write is a lambda expression. This was an example to show Java Swing Timer. This would usually be done once in a constructor. TimerTask class; The javax. Timer is more general and has more features. ) Create the timer-element in the constructor In v 1. 6 lambda/LambdaTest. awt. How do you use a mouse listener in the right way? 2. count down timer. Fig. Timer can be sensitive to changes in the system clock, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor isn't. Listen for mouse released event on component on which the mouse was not pressed in Swing. Instead, here a high-level outline of what you will need if you want to let your robot move through a maze. In Java programming, to provide developers with an easily achievable way of preventing concurrent access to them, the Swing designers provided the rule that all code that accesses should run on the same thread. When you create the timer, you also specify the number of milliseconds between timer firings. You make your class implement ActionListener, and create a timer object. Click Finish, then Apply and Close. A quote from the link specified by trashgod says In general, we recommend using Swing timers rather than general-purpose timers for GUI-related tasks because Swing timers all share the same, pre-existing timer thread and the GUI-related task According to Java Concurrency in Practice:. I do all unit testing outside the platform test because platform tests run at glacial speed. Timer; var timer = new Timer(1000, event -> { 内容。。。。。。 }); timer. The buttons are START STOP RESET. Timer。该类和 javax. Timer has two features that can make it a little easier to use with GUIs. ActionListener; import Since Java 8 introduced lambda expressions, you can say essentially the same thing as #2 but use fewer characters: jBtnSelection. e. The MetricsExample class demonstrates how to expose and update three types of Prometheus metrics using Java. You only need a single Timer. 8 seconds in the future. swing, class: Timer JavaScriptがブラウザで無効になっています。 ナビゲーション・リンクをスキップ import java. Metric Types in Java. Timer timer= new Timer(5000, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System. 9k次,点赞2次,收藏10次。计时器(Timer)组件可以在指定时间间隔触发一个或多个 ActionEvent。设置计时器的过程包括创建一个 Timer 对象,在该对象上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,以及使用 start() 方法启动该计时器。例如,以下代码创建并启动一个每秒(该时间由 Timer 构造方法的第 If you don't need a Swing GUI, then don't use a Swing Timer. start(); 可以嵌入到任意的类中,1000表示1000微秒,也就是一秒。 我们都知道,Lambda表达式是在java1. I have to display the countdown timer on all registration pages for a web site (may 3 web pages for registration). 3 版本中,向 Java 平台添加了另一个 Timer 类:java. 1 引入前的诉求!抛开Lambda表达式不说,相信我们在开发中有可能遇到如下情况:当你进行Swing开发时,是否使用过Timer定时调用 为什么需要 lambda 表达式 我们以一段代码为引子 这是一个很简单的 timer 小程序,功能是每过一秒报时一次并发出一声&quot;beep&quot;,直至点击窗口中的 &quot;Quit program&quot; 按钮。 但仔细想想,在这过程中我们先创造了一个实现了 ActionLis Of course changing the Timer doesn't solve the problem. 3中,另一个Timer类被添加到Java平台: java. I must ask though in your snippet we would never be overriding paint(. – RealSkeptic. TaskLaunch. Timer 有两个特征,它们可以让使用 GUI 更 文章浏览阅读4. I am using the following code to fade-in a JDialog with a javax. currentTimeMillis() method to calculate the duration. I'm making a program that, for the time being, just prints Printing every half second. 8引入的新性能,并获得了java开发者的一致好评,那么,java为什么要引入Lambda表达式呢? 1. When I'm hard coding the delay, the code is running with the delayed time. 8引入的新性能,并获得了java开发者的一致好评,那么,java为什么要引入Lambda表达式呢?1. You can find further documentation and several examples of using timers by visiting How to Use Timers, a section in The Java Tutorial. Timer actions good). In this case 5 seconds. Share. *; // for ActionListener and ActionEvent; Create a Timer object, giving a time interval in milliseconds, and an action listener. Using a Timer to Count Down. Java Thread class; Java Runnable interface; You may also want to look into these other related classes: The SwingWorker class; The java. 在 Java 图形用户界面编程中,Button是一个非常重要的组件,它为用户提供了一种直观的方式来触发操作。 通过使用 Java 的图形用户界面工具包(如Swing或JavaFX),可以轻松地创建按钮,并设置其属性、处理事件以及在不同的应用场景中使用。在实际开发中,需要根据具体的需求选择合适的图形用户 Create JProgressBar using Timer class in Swing; Struts Folder Structure in Tomcat (Apache) Create Shaped Transparent JFrames in Java Swing; How-To: Create a Transparent JFrame in Java Swing; Using Nimbus Look And Feel in JButton (Swing) Creating Labels in AWT using the Label class; Creating Menu Like Buttons in Swing; Create Swing 文章浏览阅读2. – 这意味着Timer的操作处理程序可以安全地对Swing组件执行操作。 但是,这也意味着处理程序必须快速执行以保持GUI响应。 在v 1. Timer 。 它和javax. *; 4 import javax. Creating a timer in java. 4. Say that my timer is 20 minutes, I want to be able to say something like: for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){ call20MinuteTimer(); } java; swing; lambda; or ask your own question. final Timer timer = new Timer(10, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { ((Timer)evt. Download the Source Code. import io. Instead Timer class does. The following example updates the text of a JLabel each two seconds: //Use a timer to update the label at a fixed interval int delay = 2000; I had to tackle this recently as well and this seems to work for me: // First create a TimerEvent since using an ActionEvent necessitates that ScalaTimer extend // Component, which isn't ideal as the OP indicated case class TimerEvent() extends scala. timers create a new thread for running the commands in actionPerformed. What is Java timer? A timer is a facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread. declaration: module: java. I use the System. Java Swing Timer und Animation Willemers Informatik-Ecke Swing Ereignisse: Swing Layout; Swings eigener Timer; Die Bombe tickt; Animation; Geschmeidig durch Pufferung mit BufferedImage. Click on Execution environment and select JavaSE-1. Timer(int milliseconds, ActionListener doIt); Java Lambda表达式的方法引用和构造器引用实例分析 Java Lambda表达式是Java 8中引入的一种新的编程模型,它允许开发者使用函数式编程的方式来编写代码。Lambda表达式可以用来简化代码,提高代码的可读性和可维护性 在Java编程中,`Timer`类是`java. start(); and/or timer. If an obs I am trying to use the swing Timer class in java. java 1 package lambda; 2 3 import java. You can also create a Timer easily with lambdas from the Swing API if you want (but not with TimerTask) : new javax. The mouse listener in Java. Trying to pause program execution within an if statement (Swing) 1. 8. For a few days now I have been working on a Timer program in Java. swing package is used to cause an event every 1000 ms or 1 second, which updates the clock. Timer triggers its ActionListener on the EDT, making it a good choice to perform Swing operations. 1 引入前的诉求! 抛开Lambda表达式不说,相信我们在开发中有可能遇到如下情况: 当你进行Swing开发时,是否使用过Timer定时调用函数? The Timer constructor just receives a listener and registers it in its listeners list. Benefits of Using Lambda Expressions. Click Libraries, then Add Library . sleep() as it will freeze your Swing application. Specifically , I am not sure how to be able to call a function that will execute the timer. The duration is the difference between the current time and the start time. swing: UI for a countdown timer. Timer 更常用,功能更多。javax. A Swing Timer can be configured for a single run, which means you won't need to worry about stopping it your self. Now it would be great to be able to have a similar lambda shortcut like. FlowLayout; import javax. desktop, package: javax. These are part of the java. As the render time grows, the timer thread becomes saturated, and events are coalesced. Timer: but I guess enforcing 1. The javax. Timer problemlos mit einem Lambda-Ausdruck anstelle des ActionListeners konstruieren: Timer timer = new Timer(1000, (evt) -> Menü Foren This way, I don't have to pause and restart the Swing Timer. Timer' as your timer. TimerTask; might make it more obvious that this is not javax. java:245) and passes it over to the registered listeners. See the Java tutorial How to Use Swing Timers and Lesson: Concurrency in Swing for more information and examples. Timer; import java. JButton; import javax. Font; public class TimerC extends JFrame I am trying to run a Timer to execute a lambda expression 1. Manually invoke actionPerformed of a In v 1. That is what the whole answer is about! Anyway, I put in some (untested, uncompiled) example code for you to play with. start(); This article shows how easy it is to use Lambda expressions (a new feature of the upcoming Java SE 8 platform) in order to make the event handler code in Swing concise and How can I pass a lambda expression to a Timer in Java, instead of using a TimerTask? Answer: In Java, the Timer class is typically used for scheduling tasks for future execution in a Learn efficient Java timer task implementation techniques, explore scheduling methods, and master best practices for creating reliable and performant background tasks in Java applications. 7 can't really harm users. more here 2/ helps with set Focus to the JComponents iof there are some Listeners because if is there f. Timer, Executor. 3, another Timer class was added to the Java platform: java. Featured on Meta Recapping Stack’s first community-wide AMA (Ask Me Anything) Better to use a Swing Timer if the scheduled code is modifying the GUI. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases. Swing delay between calls. println in my last quest closed it saying a SwingWorker had to be used - the suggestion was to use a Swing Timer or a SwingWorker. JAVA FX - Lambda for Task interface; Swing timer alternative for JavaFX and the thread management difference; Thread with Lambda expression; discussing some of the issues around this and tried: @HovercraftFullOfEels not surprised that you agree (it's your comment flashed out with code :) - but surprised that you, Mad, didn't stick to the most simple solution you, Mad, outlined in the comment: creating a new view just to allow access to the enclosing timer is . See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. The Swing Tutorial has more information on both suggestions. Creating a Countdown Timer inside of a JFrame. I just wonder why JComponent docs reference paintImmediately() and repaint(. util. CountDownTimer java equivalent. Related. This can also be used as a demonstration of mcve you were expected to post: . 为什么要有Lambda表达式?我们都知道,Lambda表达式是在java1. ; Timer has only one execution thread, so long-running task can delay other tasks. You're just preventing Swing from updating the screen or process any new events 在 1. To start the timer, call its start method. Here is my code: package mainPackage; import java. Java: Swing Timer waiting. 8k次,点赞5次,收藏35次。1 Java Swing Timer:计时器组件计时器(Timer)组件可以在指定时间间隔触发一个或多个 ActionEvent。设置计时器的过程包括创建一个 Timer 对象,在该对象上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,以及使用 start() 方法启动该计时器。例如,以下代码创建并启动一个每秒(该 Note that there are two Timer classes in Java - java. ) where as source is different. Instead you should use a javax. ActionList The Timer class, present in the javax. JFrame; public 1. JWindow with Black Opacity. Timer by and large avoids the hassle of writing wrapper methods class Because the rendering is trivial, I find this variation of your example to be very smooth. Timer, and don't exit the main method til you give the word (however you plan to do that). ActionListener implementation with lambda expression doesn't work invoked by a Timer. – (Could be java. private void setupPollingTimmer() { timer. / Note, if you are using Swing (and actually AWT) you shouldn't be doing anything to change components on non-Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) threads (java. How to use a swing Timer with JPanel. Timer which is used for things other than Swing applications. prometheus. SwingConstants; import java. getSource()). Add a comment | Java Swing Timer Actionperformed doesn't get called. The main problem is you are using a while-loop, which is creating a bunch of new Timers on each iteration, which are all decrementing the timeLeft value. Swing timers are recommended than the general-purpose timers for GUI-related tasks for the import javax. – Aurelien Ribon. The prototype usage is: javax. The GUI is fairly What is key to understand is that Java has a separate thread (EDT) handling Swing related events. How it works is, you open the program and the JLabel counts up. TimerTask. start(() -> dosomething()); I found. Timer provide the same basic functionality, but java. Top Posts. The image on the side, is just a mere sample output, Then in the Swing Timer's ActionListener I'd increment the index, I'd mod it by the size of the array or of the ArrayList, Difficulty with implementing a Swing Timer in java. If you want the timer to go off only once, you can invoke setRepeats(false) on the timer. When the timer ticks (where listener should be called), the Timer instance creates a new ActionEvent (See Timer. Timer tasks bad; javax. In this example, we create a simple JFrame with a JLabel that displays the timer’s value. stop() in the paintComponent method, this makes no sense what so ever, painting may occur for any number of reasons, my of which you have no control over. Commented Jul 16, 2012 at 16:15. Listing 6. Timer提供了相同的基本功能,但java. Both it and javax. Gauge; import io. The method I want to run through JCheckBoxMenuItem and will run if I tickcheckBoxMenuItem. 1/ create own EDT for correct update to the GUI, f. Let's say the time limit is 1 hour to complete the registration and the user took 10 mins to complete the fields on 1st web page, when he clicks next button to go to 2nd web page the timer should show time from 49 mins. java swing timer设置守护线程,Java里有一种特殊的线程叫做守护(Daemon)线程,这种线程的优先级很低,通常来说,当一个应用程序里面没有其他线程运行的时候,守护线程才运行,当线程是程序中唯一运行的线程时,守护线程执行结束后,JVM也就结束了这个程序 To Use a Timer. First, its event handling metaphor is familiar to you needn't create any extra multithreading support. Timerオブジェクト:repaintを起動 をするには、Timerオブジェクトにフレームのインスタンスを渡す必要があります。 TimerクラスとTimerTaskクラス の二つがある. Share 计时器(Timer)组件可以在指定时间间隔触发一个或多个 ActionEvent。设置计时器的过程包括创建一个 Timer 对象,在该对象上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,以及使用 start() 方法启动该计时器。例如,以下代码创建并启动一个每秒(该时间由 Timer 构造方法的第一个参数指定)触发一次动作事件的计时器。 计时器(Timer)组件可以在指定时间间隔触发一个或多个 ActionEvent。设置计时器的过程包括创建一个 Timer 对象,在该对象上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,以及使用 start() 方法启动该计时器。例如,以下代码创建并启动一个每秒(该时间由 Timer 构造方法的第一个参数指定)触发一次动作事件的计时器。. swing`包的一部分,用于实现定时触发事件的功能。它的核心作用在于能够在指定的延迟时间后执行特定的任务,这在创建动态效果或者需要定时执行操作的场景中非常有用。 C#零基础入门篇(12. Timer; import javax. So simply saying, the compiler doesn't create it for you. Swing Timer in Conjunction with Possible Long-running Victor, I prefer to keep knowledge of plugin code running under test out of the code as much as possible. When the start button is click the rectangle animates,when clicking the Stop,the rectangle stops animating and when clicking the reset button the rectangle should go back to the original position and only on clicking the Start The program in Listing 6. stop(); } }); Or, keep the timer in an instance variable and you can reference it from your handler or have the handler call a method on your class which could stop/start it. Have a look at Concurrency in Swing and How to use Swing Timers for more details 看起来很眼熟,对吧? 使用lambda表达式是行不通的,因为TimerTask是一个抽象类,即使它只有一个抽象的公共非默认方法,它也不是一个接口,因此也没有函数接口。. ) – matt forsythe. Swing's Threading Policy See Dev. For a programmer's guide to using these components, see Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing, a trail in The Java Tutorial. 6 shows how to use lambda expressions for a comparator and an action listener. how make swing program wait. sleep(2000); - but this is giving me issues. swing Timer. Secure coding beyond just memory safety. Note that the Swing timer's task is performed in the event dispatch thread. The e parameter represents the ActionEvent object that is passed to the actionPerformed() method. 3. 三数之和 Ich kann einen javax. BorderLayout; import java. Go to Java Build Path. 以指定的间隔触发一个或多个ActionEvent s。 示例使用是使用Timer作为绘制其帧的触发器的动画对象。 设置定时器包括创建一个Timer对象,在其上注册一个或多个动作侦听器,并使用start方法启动定时器。 例如,下面的代码创建并启动每秒一次触发一个动作事件(由第一个参数指定定时器Time Description Java JButton handle click event via lambda expression Copy import java. ActionEvent; import java. How and where to use javax. To suspend it, call stop. alternatively you may also use 'java. Perhaps instead use a java. This step is important because otherwise the object wouldn't be accessible from inside the ActionListeners we are going to create. Histogram; import io. How to use swing timer? 0. Timer for this, but a Swing Timer, as you're violating the single thread rules of Swing with your current approach. You should use invokeLater() to display the main JFrame of a desktop application (for example), instead of trying to do it in the current thread. java for updated tutorials taking advantage of the latest releases. This is very simple using the Timer class. This works because the ActionListener interface has only one method, actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). Event // extending javax. Timer更通用,并且具有更多功能。 I have a problem with the application (GUI JFrame form Class) that I created, I am trying to run a method that contains commands to perform data scanning using java. swing. 7 or JavaSE-1. Timer提供相同的基本功能,但java. full-blown over-blast, IMO, borderline acceptable only due to updating the contained label ;) It's a A few errors in your code snippet: You extend the Thread class, which is not really good practice; You have a Timer within a Thread?That doesnt make sense as the a Timer runs on its own Thread. Timer; 6 7 /** 8 * This program demonstrates the use of lambda expressions. Using lambda expressions in Java provides a concise way to implement functional interfaces with a single abstract method. For other resources, see Related Documentation. ) The Timer should be a global variable of the class. Counter; import io. Plus when Java8 wil come I'll be the first to jump on lambda expressions :) Thanks. . Read the section on "How to Use a Swing Timer" and "Concurrency in Swing" especially the section on "Tasks That Have Interim Results". scheduleAtFixedRate(new DownloadMessagesAndDisplayTask(), TIMERPERIOD,TIMERPERIOD); } private class DownloadMessagesAndDisplayTask extends TimerTask { public void run() { We begin by importing the necessary classes for our countdown timer - Executors, ScheduledExecutorService, and TimeUnit. As an example of one of the more critical problems with the project, the system is supposed to be using a magnetic card reader to get a user ID, but it has been using a hard-coded string. out. how are the appropriate methods of MouseMotionListener in Java Swing? 3. How do I wait for a timer to stop before executing code? 3. import java. println ("Task executed at: "+ new Date ()); } }, 0, 1000); // Executes every second Answer Using TimerTask with lambda expressions can streamline your code and improve readability by allowing you to eliminate boilerplate code and clearly 重新启动 Timer,取消所有挂起的触发并使它按初始延迟触发: setCoalesce(boolean flag) 设置 Timer 是否组合多个挂起的 ActionEvent: setDelay(int delay) 设置 Timer 的事件间延迟,两次连续的动作事件之间的毫秒数: setLogTimers(boolean flag) 启用/禁用计时器日志: @Don : As very much specified by @mKorbel and @trashgod, Swing Timer is really suited for this thingy related to Swing. if you are executed some code by using plain vanilla Thread, java. hbt hiywltu wgzrb ulyd arnj xeqna oyjtopm nfwodi uknogs xaxbt pjnjjv cglsj ceug rely ildi