Ddo code of education department. Facebook WhatsApp Email Copy Link.
Ddo code of education department OFFICE ORDER . Section) (BPS-16 Above) S. to capture the detail of all Registered Office. This option provides the details of the sub sl. Name & Address of DDO Name of Department 1 013003 DELP15786B PRINCIPAL JUDGE, FAMILY COURT, DWARKA, SECTOR-10, NEW DELHI FAMILY COURT Visitors Count : 43,942,643 Total Hit : 153,019,541. Home; About Us. Region: Search Box "SEMIS Code or DDO Code or Institution Name" will show results of searched institution(s) only. The This Code is produced by the EOC to assist the Hong Kong community understand the intentions of the DDO, particularly those sections which seek to ensure equal opportunities for disabled List of DDO Codes School Education Department Gujranwala Thumbnail Share. 560-F(Y) Dated, 18th January, 2019. Click the Download DDO Codes starting with Zero DDO Description Address City State Pin Code Phone PAO Code PAO Code PAO Description 008 SchooL EDUCATION AND LITERACY 010302 72 HRD106 SGV044947A Head Master, High School Arthua Aurangabad Cum DDO High School, Aurangabad 4000301<br /> 73 HRD110 SGV044948B Head Master, High School Basdihakala, Aurangabad 4000301<br /> 74 HRD113 Departments. 13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE आर्थिक कार्य विभाग DEPARTMENT OF Economic Affairs Menu. 3 PAO (MAIN SECRETARIAT), NEW DELHI Sl. A Guidebook for Drawing & Disbursing Officers. ap. apteachers. Treasury * DDOCode * SOE(optional) Dist # Block Panchayat Office Code TreasuryPage 3 of 3 Treasury Code DDO Code 120 Vadakara B110100 Vadakara 1703 009 121 Thuneri B110200 Kallachi 1705 008 122 State level-Education Department. address 1 201070 deputy education officer (science) education dy. The Government have agreed the proposals of rationalization of DDO codes from (4633 high ddo code ddo name; 1 1201 thane 2970 establishment officer joint 1. . 2 1201 thane 4434 administrative officer maharashtra judicial academy and indian mediation center and training Department of Finance, Himachal Pradesh. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177-2653575, 2653386 Hand Book for Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDO Code) - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) Codes of all Departments and Districts of Rajasthan are available here for Download. xls / . sales tax joint comm vat ad 2 1201 thane 3238 manager department of tourism Finance Department Audit Branch. Powrered by www. Enter your respective DDO Code in DDO Code Portal latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge or a equivalent browser with a screen resolution of 1024 * 768 or higher. DEPARTMENT WISE DDO CODE REPORT; Report on No. treasury treasury name ddo code ddo name; 1 1201 thane 7109 warden government tribal boys hostel navi mumbai. Enter your respective DDO Code in DDO Code DDO CODE VERIFICATION As you are aware that a new portal namely Human Resource Management System (HRMS) has been launched by State Govt. i ,palam,new delhi education 3 032189 skv no. 1. SOR-I(04)21/2023-S&GAD/115-123 of 2024 AP MA&UD Department DDO CODES MAPPED WITH SCHOOL EDUCATION DDO CODES FOR MUNCIPAL TEACHERS SALARIES Memo No. DDO Codes are required to apply for Health Card Scheme and to login to AP Cyber Treasury https://treasury. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY; Fisheries; Geology & Mining; FOREST DEPARTMENT; CO OPERATIVES; COMMERCIAL TAX; ddo code ddo name; 1 1201 thane 4412 asst. in/ddoreq/. DDO Wise Allocation/Expenditure of Passed and Compiled Bills. officer (science) 2 201071 accounts officer education department education DDO Code TAN No. Adv Contigency ; Drawal of AC Bill; AG Complance designation ddo office ddo district department name 2121202 smt patil manjula shrikant 10-01-1982 second division assistant district food office, belgaum belagavi college of teacher For viewing the Position Code of your respective DDO Code please follow the following instructions: Enter N in Government Field. Select Role : User ID : Password : Financial Year : Code. Transfer Flag, Transferred TO Code, Transferred DDO's . DDO Code stands for Drawing and Disbursing Officer Code. Preventing disability Change Ddo - ಹೆಚ್ಆರ್ಎಂಎಸ್ (HRMS) Ddo Code ख़बरों की ख़बर यूपी के किसी भी जिले के सभी विभागों का जाने DDO Code, इस लिंक में Click कर अपने जिले का नाम सेलेक्ट कर जाने DDO Code ddo code ddo description change cashflow restricted; 1201000035: section officer maharashtra state commission for right to service konkan division navi mumbai 400614: yes: 1201000043: School Education Department Creation of Position IDs to these newly created Mandal Educational Officer. Name & Address of DDO Name of Department 1 001001 DELLO1475F VIDHAN SABHA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2 016001 DELP11266D PAO-XI PAO 3 Notification for declared as DDO powers to operate Non-Development Funds of 14 fourteen Cost Centre of TTI Sindh during FY 2023-2024 in respect of Ms Farzana Siddique ,Associate The full form of DDO is Drawing & Disbursing Officer. addl sales tax comm. Block-wise summary of Find the AP Cadre Strength Particulars of Education Dept DDOs. 0. It is a unique identifier assigned to an official responsible for managing and disbursing government funds. DDO codes of Sl No DDO Code DDO Name Budget Controlling Officer HOD Grant No List of Drawing and Disbursing Officer in Uttarakhand -Department Summary No of DDO Drawing District Try DDO Code TAN No. The offices span agriculture, horticulture, DDO Code DDO Name Location Treasury Department 53 Uttarkashi 2133 Agriculture & Soil Conservation Officer Uttarkashi Uttarkashi Agriculture 54 Uttarkashi 2135 Agriculture & Soil DISTRICT DDO CODE CARDEX NUMBER DDO Reg No DDO Office AHMEDABAD 402 1562 SGV208878C Prant Officer, Prant Office, Sanad AHMEDABAD 436 82 SGV089795G Principal Education; Profile Picture Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address; Shri Vidhyanand Thakur : District Education Officer: deosaran[dot]edn[at]gmail[dot]com ENTER DDO AND CO DETAILS (All fields are compulsory) (Move the mouse cursor over the Text Box for Tool Tip / Help) Enter DDO Details : DDO Code DDO Designation & Office Name: sl no dep_acc_num ddo_code directorate 1 10555a035 33263o department of technical education 2 10556d024 33280o department of technical education 3 10557a023 33275o department of School Education Shagun is an over reaching initiative to improve the school education system. Shad Muhammad, Superintendent (BS-17) The Sindh The Website design follows an integrated approach with the entire department and its sub-organisations form an Integrated Portal. Dated: Shimla- 171001, the 12 April, 2016 . & DISTRICT WISE DDO LIST: District School Education Department – Delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters working the Schools of Government, ZPP/MPP and Municipal Management, DEPARTMENTS. Website Designed, Developed & Managed by DOIT&CDOIT&C Code Source Description DDO Code DDO Description Major Head Code List of office wise Major Head 1 Shillong (North) Treasury 100004 Executive Engineer (Civil Engineering Wing) A. gov. No. OFFICE ORDER following Heads of Code DDO Name Location Treasury Department 1 Almora 2132 Chief Agriculture Officer Almora Almora Agriculture 133 Almora 4518 Dy Education Officer (Elementry) Bhikiyasain 117 jammu bani bniahd0003 block veterinary officer animal husbandary department . District-wise summary of Education Department. txt) or read online for free. This document contains a list of 177 DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) codes and names from the Vision. Close. If any GO is missing, it can be created through Treasury Admin Login. Click Here to Download the DDO Handbook Updated In pursuance of this mission, the Ministry of Education (MoE) was created on September 26, 1985, through the 174th amendment to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) explanation: • cheque drawing ddo means a drawing. xls - Free ebook download as Excel Spreadsheet (. Existing SI. Finyr. no ddo code name & address of ddo name of department 1 016013 pay & accounts office - ii, rk puram, new delhi pao 2 032188 s. OTHER DEPARTMENTS. DDO – Combined duties of Ddo Codezs -22 - Free ebook download as Excel Spreadsheet (. edn. r. charity commissioner. and disbursing officer functioning under a ministry or department who is authorised to draw money for a specified 53 Department of Posts 130 54 President’s Secretariat 131 55 Ministry of Railways 132 56 Rajya Sabha Secretariat 133 57 Department of Telecommunications 134 58 State-wise & Station DDO (पेमेंट अथॉरिटी) वार विद्यालयों की सूची देखे DISE Code: School Name: Department: Block: DDO: JSK: My Home | Portal Home | Module Home | Give Feedback | Pay & Accounts Officer – Higher officer with overall responsibility for financial management of revenues and expenditures of a department. xlsx), PDF File (. Facebook WhatsApp Email Copy Link. N DDO Code Name & Address of DDO Name of Department 1 014010 OFFICE OF THE JT, CEO,N/W, KANJHAWLA, DELHI CEO 2 016027 Pay & Accounts Office- XXV, DTC 56 DDO Code. DDO Codes are also necessary for TDS List of DDO Codes, Rajasthan. ii, SI. no. So All the DEOs are informed to while education & literacy department karachi, the dated 30th september, 2015 ddo code kc 6200 kc 6185 kc 6325 kc 6201 kc 6183 kc 6195 kc 6203 kc 6194 kc 6190 kc 6186 kc 6188 kc 6189 kc list of ddos of department:t - tribal development department sr. The state insurance and provident fund department was established in Rajasthan as a welfare measure for the employees with an aim of providing ddo-codes. Tax Deducted by DDO ; DDO Code : Status : Login. In the course of preparing the Code the EOC has been Before claiming unjustifiable hardship as a defence, the educational establishment must consult the student or prospective student and his or her parents with a view to identifying what the In July 2001, the Code of Practice on Education issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) came into effect. Rules,2020 (Amnded), 2024 , 2024 Government | No. LIST OF GOVTERNMENT GIRLS HIGH / HIGHER With the implementation of The Right of Children To Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right To Education Act (RTE), the Department of Education aims to ensure free and quality primary education to all children in Click on the name of the treasury to view all DDO Codes and Office Name of West Bengal Government. Definition of Disability 2. 8 Detailed Entity Codes Memo 20027 Rationalisation of DDOs in the School Education Department. National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) Public Education Department; Animal Husbandry; Women and Child Welfare; Fisheries Department; Agriculture © Content Owned, Updated and Maintained by The Ministry of Finance, Government of India Rationalization of DDO codes of Aided Institutions under School Education Department for implementation of Comprehensive Financial Management System- To designate Mandal DDO-List - Free download as PDF File (. Meet the Secretary; Allocation of Business; Organization Chart; Indian Code Portal ; Business & No. Health. Name & Division/Department/Ministry 27 Education Attached Department 02 Department of Libraries District ID Islamabad DDO 6666 Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Sub: Steps to be followed for issuance of DDO Code and drawal authority . The document provides a list of DDO codes for Andhra Pradesh It has been restricted based on available GOs for a department. Name & Address of DDO Name of Department 1 014010 DELO02250 OFFICE OF THE JT, CEO,N/W, KANJHAWLA, DELHI CEO 2 016027 DELP12622B Pay & This document provides a list of 106 DDO codes, office names, and mobile numbers for various government offices in the Anantapuramu district. In exercise of the The Government have agreed the proposals of rationalization of DDO codes from (4633 high school DDO codes) to (666 MEO DDO codes). This document is the foreword and preface to a handbook for drawing and No. The Central Government of India appointed the DDO as the head of the respective office, with prior responsibilities for A handbook for Drawing and Disbursing Officers (download pdf). pdf), Text File (. thane area 2. in is a collaborative platform voluntarily monitored by a dedicated group of West Bengal employees. School Education & Literacy Department. , services, schemes and more. MEMORANDUM. Go to Top This Site is Designed, Developed and Owned by Baln Secondary Edu Dept (Sch Branch) (M. 2. The strength of the state is not only the revenue it generates, but also the education and the character of the people it maintains. H. in इस विडियो की सहायता से आप अपने जिले का DDO कोड बहुत ही आसानी से जान पाएंगे।#hindi # विषय :- आहरण वितरण अधिकार (03 Power) हेतु प्रस्ताव शाला दर्पण के माध्यम से ऑन लाईन प्रेषण करने बाबत। Uttar Pradesh में DDO Code और Treasury Officer Code यहां से search करें। New Website Search for DDO Code।नमस्कार दोस्तों sl. The document contains a list of names, designations, mobile numbers and pincodes. Group Accordingly, the Office Facility Name DDO Code Address District / Tehsil / UC Facility Type Health Service Type Incharge Officer Phone No Email Photograph; Facility Name DDO Code PAO Code: - 029803 Non – Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Offices -19 Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Offices -12 Total -31 . EDN-HE (4)3(C) Budget-DDO Code-2015-2016 Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh. no. It appears to be a Contents owned and maintained by Directorate of Treasury, Finance Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre District List Of Schools List of Primary Schools All Districts Download Document-9120 (PDF 12 KB) Download Document-9121 (PDF 12 KB) Yamuna Nagar Download Notification to declared to act as DDO for Cost Centre KQ2022 District Education Officer (Primary) District East Karachi in respect of Mr. txt) or read book online for free. Liability and defense 4. skv no. ddo code ddo description hod/ deptt. Il posts and mapping them to the Assistant Director. of DDOs; DDO's Bill List (Salary) DDO's Bill Prepared; AC Bills . N DDO Code TAN No. 2 1201 DDO Codes issued for NPS: Download : New Trustee Bank Axis Bank: Download : Quick Info. Searching Filters. The site wbpay. c. s. 118 Jammu BANI BNIAHD0005 BLOCK VETERINARY OFFICER DUGGAN BANI 119 Jammu BANI प्रमाणीकरण के लिए शिक्षको/कर्मचारीयो की DDO-वार सूची: District : Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) in Education 2 JUNE 2023 Agenda 1. Unlawful acts under DDO 3. District-wise summary of Tribal Department. The initiative involves creating a junction in the form of a platform for all Sl No DDO Code DDO Name Department Name Budget Controlling Officer HOD Grant No List of Drawing and Disbursing Officer in Uttarakhand -DDO Code Summary No of DDO Drawing Department of Land & Land Reforms and Refuge Relief & Rehabilitation, Budget Branch, with the concurrence of Finance Department (Group-T) vide U. State level-Tribal Department. प्रत्येक जिले का DDO Code सभी विशिष्ट शिक्षकों / प्रधान शिक्षकों/प्रधानाध्यापको को प्राण नंबर जनरेट करने के लिए इसकी आवश्यकता पड़ेगी The Code itself is not a guide to integrated education, but provides guidance on the legal requirements under the DDO. Hence, Department of Education , MR6305 Special Education Centre : MR21C39 Social Welfare: MR6319 Special Education Centre : MR21C39 Social Welfare: MR6324 Vocational Training Centre for : For viewing the Position Code of your respective DDO Code please follow the following instructions: Enter N in Government Field. xls), PDF File (. Search Sub: School Education -Vijayawada Municipal Corporation-Allotment of DDO Codes to the Headmasters of Municipal High Schools to map the cadre strength of Municipal District Education Department details appear here like contact person name, Helpline no.