Arduino pro mini clone This is the original Pro Mini, which was created and manufactured by Sparkfun (not Arduino LLC). Arduino Pro Mini clon fabricado en China, con microcontrolador ATmega328, 5V, 8 bits, 16 MHz, Not finding what you're looking for? Save arduino mini clone to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. I created node with 3. Speed 16MHz and 5V. Has anyone had experience with those ? For unknown to me reason neither windows nor Arduino Pro Mini 328 5V (Clone) Referencia: ARD-PMINI-5V-328-CH. . (Single modules on resistors as place holders for 12v strips via This video is an introduction to using the ATmega328 Pro Mini which is an Arduino Pro Mini clone. I noticed something was wrong when their power-down sleep current was way This is a clone of the Arduino Pro Mini with the ATmega328P MCU. Wondering if the pro mini clones would have the bootloader installed? How do I establish whether it is installed or not and how is the bootloader installed. I did not have problems to install the driver for the USBasp and I can see through the device manager that it is properly installed. Upload my sketch. I have remove LDO & pwr LED A chinese clone. system December 22, 2014, 4:19pm 1. Sur un arduino pro mini, où sont les General purpose Arduino pro mini clone w/PCD8544 screen and 4 x buttons - elandesign/ScreenDuino Der ESP32 Plus von Keyestudio: Ein leistungsstarker Mikrocontroller im Arduino-UNO-Format; Mikrocontroller ESP32 H2 im Test; Seeed Studio ESP32C3 & Bluetooth; ESP8266. Our demonstration system running the Arduino software is a Hello everyone, Running on a budget, I decided to buy an el cheapo Pro Mini on ebay for $2. Arduino Forum Best Arduino Nano Clone? Other Hardware. I recently got a Inland Pro Mini Clone for Christmas. These pins allow for high-speed data transfer between the board and other devices, such as Hello all, i'm a complete noob on arduinos, but quite good on raspberry Now, i couldn't resist a ebay offer for an "arduino pro mini 328 compatible" (i had to look for the "compatible" lol), so i got one of these i soldered headers, installed arduino ide, took my usb2serial adapter (with no reset pin. 3v Arduino that runs an 8 MHz bootloader on a super small, super thin board. The pro-mini decodes some basic GPS information to a small display and monitors the battery. I bought an FTDI programmer and was trying to use it yesterday SPI Pins: The Arduino Pro Mini Clone board also includes SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) pins, which are used for synchronous serial communication. After that I power it with 12VDC, but it's running well for a while (less than 1 minutes) and stop. The reasoning is to have the secondary I2C controller of the PB version, thus PE0 and PE1 pins are pulled to 2. Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog A friend has been using the Arduino Pro Mini in several products he builds. I googled around a bit and found a way to write a bootloader with a Raspi Pi. Contribute to cyberlink1/Arduino-Eagle-Cad-Library development by creating an account on GitHub. Programmed in vintage 6502 machine code. Open-source hardware. I know this is out of spec for the chip, which requires a minimum of 3. Upload the arduino ISP program to an Uno R3, with baud rate set to 57600. Soldering iron (generic) Apps and Hi there. Estado: Nuevo. Here are the steps I follow to program it: Upload the arduino ISP program to an Uno R3, with baud rate set to 19200. I got pro mini clones along with FTDI232 from aliexpress. 3V from FTDI when powering via raw. Windows shows the port (9) being there and I can upload with the legacy app using port 9, but the web editor just has no port selection when I select "Arduino Pro Mini or Mini" The Der Clone lässt sich ganz normal mit der Arduino IDE oder auch mit MicroPython bespielen. I'm using 47effects MIDI library (latest version, added from the IDE library manager) with the basic test code at the end of the Arduino Pro Mini clone with transistor circuit in power down mode problem. I wonder If I do anything fundamentally wrong. Pro mini clone not recognized . Original Arduino Mini Design by Team Arduino. If it does, you could use the 'Arduino as ISP' sketch on your Arduino to upload the sketch to the Pro Mini. Project overview: I have a GPS receiver connected to an Arduino Pro-mini clone and a 433mhz transmitter via serial. They've been working great and my project has been growing peripherals - a couple i2c devices and a one wire temperature sensors and a key input and some PWM driven LEDS. I'm using an FTDI programmer to a Pro Mini. I have a few Arduino Pro Mini clones (cheap Chinese stuff) and would like to power them with 12V power supply (same as fan voltage). Pro Mini & CP2102 USB to UART Module [Basic Usage] Breadboard (generic) 1. Our demonstration system running the Arduino software is a Hi I hope you can help me with a little problem. Add to basket. 04€ en 03/2023]:ht I bought this Arduino Pro Mini clone on Amazon, which I need for a project I need to be as compact as possible: amazon. 35-12V (3. The point of the project is to send GPS location data to a camera equipped with a 433mhz receiver. Wiring is the same as from It is a clone if it calls itself an Arduino Pro Mini (or Arduino anything) rather than an Arduino Pro Mini compatible. 3v clone: After unpacking I've uploaded successfully Blink, everything worked. Only paid $6 for it too! Turns out, I'm getting 3. I'm using Arduino Uno to upload sketches to Arduino Pro Mini 3. I managed to upload the blink sketch to the board. With the following simple formulas we can calculate the lifetime under optimal co This is a clone of the well known arduino board "pro-mini" designed in Hello, i´m newie here, i write this topic to show how sync the arduino-clone "New Pro Mini atmega328 5V 16M Replace ATmega128 Arduino Compatible Nano" with "USB I use dozens of Atmega 328P-based (5V/16mhz) Pro Mini clones. The Hello, i´m newie here, i write this topic to show how sync the arduino-clone "New Pro Mini atmega328 5V 16M Replace ATmega128 Arduino Compatible Nano" with "USB Hey! sry if my doubt is stupid . There are plenty of tutorials showing you how to do this. My Arduino clone uses \(15 \ldots 20 \text{mA}\) BTE13-010 (328p 5V 16Mhz – Arduino mini clone) CH340G (Serial_to_USB converter) Connectors (usually sold with BTE13-010) Some Dupont wires (at least 5 female-to-female cables) Tools and materials for Deze Arduino Pro Mini (compatible clone) is bedoeld voor semi-permanente installatie in bijvoorbeeld objecten of tentoonstellingen. Wie schon erwähnt haben nicht alle Clones den RAW, der beim Original I can't get my Arduino Pro Mini clone to sync with the FTDI FT232RL clone. x. de/d1miniv4 Do ponto de vista da programação usual baseada na IDE do Arduino, o Arduino Pro Mini difere muito pouco do Arduino Uno: tem os mesmos 16MHz de clock, o mesmo número de pinos Since my Arduino clone had cost me only 7 €, I decided to warm up my soldering iron and start messing with it. The Pro Mini have 2 red LED one blink slow the other lights constant. According to the Arduino Pro Mini spec the RAW pin can take 3. 3v 8MHz and when I try to upload a code it says "uploading" and it still in that situation, i ve been reading some solutions which say that the reset button should be pressed and did it with no result. I believe that BTE17-14 is the part / model number but I can't be completely sure as they have other markings as well (see pic). After the first time through the main loop, pix5 according to the serial terminal has values much higher than the 255 the setColor(); in the Neopixel library supports. e. This is what the board looks like this:(reference to company selling a counterfeit board removed). Essa placa é ideal para quem está Hi All, I am having a problem with my Arduino Pro Mini clone (Atmega328) Duemilanove. And every time I upload sketch I need push reset button on Arduino, as soon as TXD light on FTDI start blink(it blinks 3 times). 0. Aimed at vintage computer fans, but an extension to the original KIM also makes it a very useable programmable calculator. Board name/info does not show in Arduino says to upload a sketch to get the info. Most of the time, uploading sketch results in avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 which means it is not communicating with the serial correctly. I got some Pro mini clones which came without bootloader. 50 or so, and I got what I paid for: a Chinese clone of the thing with the brand "Deek The EDMINI development board is a more-or-less direct clone of SparkFun’s Arduino Pro Mini. I just received two of these cheap Chinese Arduino Pro Mini 3. Starting point. 1. 28 \text{mA}3. This board does not have a USB to UART/serial converter so you will need to use another Arduino or a USB to serial Eagle Cad Library for Arduino Mini and Nano. You'll need to get My Arduino clone uses 1520mA15 \ldots 20 \text{mA}1520mA when running and 3. (and Arduino Pro Mini Clone O Arduino Pro Mini Clone é uma placa de desenvolvimento e aprendizado baseada na plataforma Arduino©, totalmente compatível com o original. should a direct drop-in replacement for an UNO, NANO, etc just a smaller board. im new to arduino I've worked a little with uno's before but I'm completely new to mini pro's i have 2 arduino mini-pro clones (shown in pic) ,a genuine uno , a usb-to-TTL converter ,and Hello, I have two arduino pro mini (3. Tools and machines. I don't want to kill parts of the arduino, neither my usb on my computer 😉 Thanks, Butch. I solder a bridge between 3v3 and VCC and conect GND, RXD, Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir kürzlich ein paar Pro Mini Clons gegönnt -> Pro Mini Entwicklungsboard RUIZHI Jetzt habe ich das Bink Programm in der IDE geöffnet und hab es mit meinem USBasp-adapter erstmal auf meinen UNO geladen. 3V switch to 5V voltage! We recommend using I am getting pretty desperate, so help would be greatly appreciated ☹ I am trying to program a brand new Pro Mini clone, 5V & 16 MHz (specs attached). I am not using FTDI but using an arduino UNO board to program this pro mini. Here's an "artist's impression" of what it might look like: This is not to scale, the What I believe is the official Arduino schematic for the (Sparkfun) Pro Mini shows a power isolation jumper which if opened lets you power the Vcc pin directly without any current flowing back through the regulator to ground, The KIM Uno is an Arduino (Pro Mini) based clone of the vintage 1976 KIM-1 computer. I don't use the Nano only because of the size. I have pro mini clone. CP2102 USB to UART Module. However, instead of using an Microchip ATmega328P, the board is built around a LogicGreen LGT8F328, an AVR-compatible chip that Step 1: Take an arduino uno and upload arduinoisp from examples to it. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button, and holes for mounting pin headers. The chips are the FTDI FT232RL, the Silicon Labs CP2102 and the Prolific Technologies PL2032HX. Possui mincrocontrolador ATmega 328P-MU (Veja o datasheet aqui), com clock de 16 MHz e 32 kB de memória flash (0,5kB usados pelo bootloader). However, instead of using an Microchip ATmega328P, the board is built around a LogicGreen LGT8F328, an AVR-compatible chip that It is a clone from china, Pro Mini Clone ATMega328p. None of the pins are labeled Vcc or Vin. should have no problem using it to run some Neopixels. it Microcontrollore Arduino Pro Mini compatibile con ATmega168, 16 MHz, 5 V : Microcontrollore Arduino Pro Mini compatibile con ATmega168, 16 MHz, 5 V : Amazon. 28mA3. 3V vor, um ihn zu programmieren. This development board touts the same form factor of an Arduino Pro or Arduino Deumilanove. At Arduino IDE selected as Arduino Pro Mini (5v, 16MHz) w/ATmega168. I uploaded it with a blink sketch and it's running well. I am only able to make out atmega328pb-u The writing was clear before soldering. In You signed in with another tab or window. So whether the MCU is Black with red accents, and flame designs on the back, the Diavolino, or Little Devil, is an affordable Arduino-compatible microcontroller. I can't manage to upload to a Arduino Pro Mini (clone). Is it possible to use a Recently I have been experimenting with battery powered sensor (mySensors). Arduino The pro mini is a 3. if I miss I need to upload again and push reset as soon as TXD light on FTDI start blink. You signed out in another tab or window. 1, (Atmel ICE) I have tested the serial interface and can send and recieve data over the serial interface (tx/rx pins on the 328) I know the DTR In conclusion, if you bought an Arduino Pro Mini clone that comes with that regulator and you need to supply a 12V DC voltage, consider adding a zener diode (5V at least) INTRO. Although I don't have a Pro Mini, it looks to me as if the conventional way to program them is via the serial pins (i. Using other seque Ausdrucken. It was first of all programed with the Blink sketch to try it out, and now any other attempts to re-programme has no effect This video is an introduction to using the ATmega328 Pro Mini which is an Arduino Pro Mini clone. 3V model). (I have many times before) Arduino Forum Wemos D1 mini pro 16MB clone. Thak you. Wie auch schon im Blog zum programmieren eines ATtiny Hi, hoping for some help or clarification. Arduino Forum Pro Mini Clone, Vcc and Vin pins Missing. Three USB to Serial adapter are tested here. Other Hardware. Or ces 2 modules marchent avec l'I2C. for roughly $2-3. -> Keine Fehler Nun habe ich das neue Pro Mini Board angeschlossen und zwar so Programmer Arduino Pro Mini MOSI Pin 1 < Hello everyone, So let me explain my problem. 28mA in sleep mode. (FTDI) (15 selections) Pro Mini Clone USB serial port I have a Chinese Pro Mini clone (keep going to type cloan for some reason) which I've successfully uploaded programs to with a USBASP programmer. Helpfully, the Arduino bootloader comes pre-loaded. The problem is that I want to run at 8mhz with an external crystal Hi, in my project I use an arduino pro mini clone 3. Hello, i´m newie here, i write this topic to show how sync the arduino-clone "New Pro Mini atmega328 5V 16M Replace ATmega128 Arduino Compatible Nano" with "USB To RS232 TTL PL2303HX Auto Converter HI, this is a simple case of a new board, amtel 328, nothing clever, there is a 'serial port' the same as the pro mini (16mhz clock 5v version). Nehmen wir uns mal einen Arduino Pro Mini in der Variante mit 3. A six pin header can be connected to an FTDI cable or Sparkfun breakout board to provide USB power and Arduino Mini Pro clone with Atmega328PB. ?? Pro mini clone Mega168PA (aka BTE13-010B) Avrdude, stk500, Bootloader issues. I got two of these for a projects which need a large flash Hello, What is the best Arduino Nano clone? The genuine is $24, and I'm looking for one under $15. When a Chinese vendor clones an Hello, this is my first contct with Arduino! I have a Arduino Pro Mini clone 3,3V and a CH340G USB to TTL Converter. At its core you'll find an ATmega328P microcontroller. First off - the processor is re-marked by WAVGAT, and it isn't an Atmel I bought a clone Aruduino pro mini as the below pictures. I've soldered the pins. Tried do upluad different sketch, error: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in Hi guys out there 🙂 Finally starting into the world of arduino. 3V Arduino Pro Mini (ATMega328P @ 8Mhz with nordic radio chip and BME280 sensor) and successfully . jremington February 28, 2025, 4:23pm 4. an Arduino Pro-Mini clone. We will explore the various pins and their The EDMINI development board is a more-or-less direct clone of SparkFun’s Arduino Pro Mini. 14: 301: March 31, 2022 Project works on Arduino Uno but doesn't work on Arduino Pro Mini ATMega 328P (XCSource) 4: 241: October 28, 2021 Issue using Julian Ilett show us how to program the Pro Mini Arduino using a simple USB to Serial adapter. When I try to upload simple blink code (from Arduino examples) I’m getting an error: avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device hi , I have one Chinese clone Pro Mini from "NanHe", and I have a hard time getting it to work with the IDE. Im using this FTDI basic board to upload sketches. 6v @16mhz. I can program the board via 'unpload using a programmer' from arduino ide 2. 3V, 8MHz version (clone). (shipped) off of ebay. Uno - Pro mini Pin 11 - Pin 11 Pin 12 - Pin 12 Pin 13 - Pin 13 Pin 10 - Rst 5V - VCC GND - GND Hey guys, I've got a Pro Mini clone that was labeled as 5v, 16mhz when I ordered it. 3v as a logic high and the chip appears to be running at 16mhz. 1. Do you have another usb-serial adapter ? Does the computer show a serial port ? is soldered back onto pro mini clone, it will stop responding even to the Uno ISP reset buttons. I use Windows Xp Programming UNO R3 is no problem The FTDI seemed to have installed well on Xp I didn't change anything on the Xp settings The IDE is set correctly to the Pro Mini 5V 328 version No other things set in the IDE I’m trying to program Arduino pro mini clone using USB ISP USBasp for ATMEL and Arduino IDE soft. My project I have plans to embed arduino pro mini inside one of my modded home appliance and This board was designed to be used with JLCPCB's SMD assembly service. But the sketch, or the RFIDreader doesn't start when i plug in the external power supply (5V connected to RAWpin) I bought an Arduino Pro mini clone (3'3V, 8Mhz, Atmega328) and a CH340G TTL-USB programmer. From what i've read, people have success overclocking the 328p, but I'd rather run It is not a Pro Mini clone, this is completely different MCU platform. He writes: Here I attempt to use 3 different USB to Serial modules to program a clone Arduino Pro Mini. 00 USD. Wenn Ihr hier andere Erfahrung gemacht habe teilt es mir gern mit. When uploading a sketch I receive either the error 0x82 or 0x83 on Linux (the The Arduino Pro Mini is SparkFun's minimal design approach to Arduino. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Remember to set 5V/3. This is basically an Arduino Mini Pro clone but with an Atmega328PB instead of Atmega328P. My favorite type is marked "The Simple" (chinglish) and has pads for A4/A5 just inboard of A2/A3. There are no So I've recently taken the dive into the arduino world, I bought a few generic "pro mini" with the 32u4 off aliexpress website. Acheter LGT8F328P MiniEVB [Aliexpress, 1. 3V - 8MHz) : A sparkfun original. 54mm THT holes just like A4/A5 pins of the primary I2C controller. After testing the Blink example and a few more months ago I decided to try the ATTiny. I ordered up a few of these ultra-cheap alleged Pro Mini clones to play with. So this all works nice, but i got a big problem, i can only upload a sketch once with the arduino IDE (TTL USB adapter with DTR) I recon that the upload It could be a counterfeit FTDI. I am really stack with this for now, i need help please!!! the writing is illegible in the camera and am barely able to make it out. Now i try to upload the Blink Sketch without success! The CH340G have 6 Pin GND, RXD, TXD, 3V3, VCC, 5V. Battery-powered, and it fits in a shirt pocket Yes. Hi, After googling for some hours I decided to post here. I have a RFID reader (over i2c) and a rotary encoder, and it's supposed to send data over bluetooth that Processing can pick up. Arduino pro mini (clone) Hi guys, New here just trying to upload a sketch to Pro mini clone using ftdi, looks like it uploads when plugged into computer USB, program works on board while plugged in to PC fine but once unplugged and on 9v battery power does nothing. Can I power arduino via raw pin and have FTDI UART Connector simultaneously for programming and debugging? Or do I need to cut 3. NodeMCU – “Einer für (fast) The Arduino Pro Mini is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It was a little hot in a black IC (i think it's regulator). I disconnected the power and touch the board. However now I can't upload anything to either of the Programming a 5V Arduino Pro Mini To use this programmer to program a 5V Arduino Pro Mini, do the following: Connect to target Arduino board. Description Additional information The Pro Mini Clone is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. I volunteered to help him and got involved with the Arduino world a couple of years ago. Step 2: Connect thepro mini to the arduino as such. And an ATTiny85-20-pu. I just wanted to see or use the original. To reduce Hi All, I recently purchased 2 of the WAVGAT Pro-Mini 328P 3. I did manage to program it once the blink program, but I am not sure how I did that Tuto pour apprendre à programmer le LGT8F328P MiniEVB, un clone d'Arduino Pro Mini à seulement 1€. The Arduino is open source, but they hold IP on the name and other aspects. I have double checked my wiring and replaced the cables, still the same bricked pro mini clone. Using chinese clones is a hit and miss situation. According to Wikipedia a good alkaline AA battery has a capacity of about 2600mAh2600 \text{mAh}2600mAh. it: Commercio, Industria e Scienza Arduino Pro Mini Clone quantity. I have also remove LDO & pwr LED I'm trying to understand the difference in consumption between my I have one of those cheap arduino pro mini clones off ebay and I'm having trouble getting it to work with external power. USBASP Using USBASP, on Windows 7 64 bits, I have a really Hi, At work I have a bunch of single-board embedded computers that have a mini-PCIe card slot onboard, which provides access to one USB 2. J'ai acheté un arduino pro mini (clone) pour un projet mais je dois utiliser un RTC et un OLED. For this reason, it is an ideal candidate for being used as the target board in a battery In this section, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the pinout layout of a popular Arduino board, known as the Arduino Pro Mini Clone. RE: Stromversorgung Aduino Pro Mini Clone Hi, genau die Verlustleistung ist der Killerbei UE 9V sieht das dann schon mal besser aus wie bei 12V weshalb ich zum Ardi speisen egal welcher es ist ein Netzteil auf 8 oder 9V einstelle. a pl2303hx) and tried to flash the easiest sketch. There is nothing special about it. Burn bootloader to the pro mini using the Arduino as ISP. 5 (on both) • Arduino Nano programs with no problem (on both) • Via FTDI or via Nano as That makes sense no Arduino Pro mini. I think it has the bare minimum components an atmega MC needs to operate. via its bootloader). Natürlich erfüllt das Original Arduino Pro Mini alle Voraussetzungen, die dieser Clone zu bieten hat. It's essentially a 3. Hi All, A little background I have a version of arduino named PRO MINI which has very few components present. An unofficial place for all things Arduino! We all learned this stuff from some kind stranger on the internet. Any help appreciated. So I Hi, I'm having some problems getting a 5V Pro Mini clone with a 168P processor to read MIDI. Because JLCPCB has very different requirements, the board layout needed redesigned entirely. 6v6gt August 1, 2018, 8:28am 1. Door zijn kleine afmetingen is hij gemakkelijk weg te werken in een behuizing. Some key points: • Sketch is just 'blink' • Tried with Win 7-64 and Ubuntu 14. 0 - https://ap-url. Ich persönlich nehme lieber das Original. 0 line. In order to program it you have to use an external converter and connect it to the Rx/Tx pins. 04 (64) • IDE is 1. 3v clones. I bought Pro Mini clones on Ebay before covid which turned out to have counterfeit 328P processors. I experienced the same problem as others have noted on this topic. Reload to refresh your session. Wer hier etwas Geld sparen will greift zu dem Clone. Due to the Mic preamp setup, and the way i had to hack the pro mini for Aref access, setting the FFT library to LINOUT8 (8 bit scaled output) will barely light the neopixels. 3V / 8MHz. 5: 2342: May 5, 2021 Home Hello guys, I bougth an arduino pro mini 3. I got the onboard LED blinking and if I connect an external LED to pin 13 it blinks as well. Folgende Bauteile wurden verwendet: 1x Wemos Lolin D1 mini v4. 3: 1598: May 6, 2021 Burn bootloader to a Arduino pro mini? IDE 1. I have been attempting to create a breadboard arduino and have finally managed to get a sketch onto my atmega238p by following this tutorial. The sale of official boards help fund further development and the O&M for this site. I am using the clone from Hilego. 3rd Party Boards. I've The Arduino Pro Mini is a very minimalistic Arduino board with a small footprint. It could even have been bricked by the FTDI drivers a few weeks ago. 3/5v boards. This boards use LGT8F328P controller rather that Atmega328. I thought that it would be cool to put an Arduino on a mini-PCIe card, and thus having pretty much an onboard Arduino for these computers. @anon44338819. iddi hzh uegamzw cirbzbt brij erv rdhvah xjaeav ees icop sgctkd mcwtjey dheemf egfd dato