Alvr or virtual desktop be/PCychJU33-UThe Oculus Quest's wireless streaming methods put to the test!Get the software:https://www. In order to have the same performance in VD and air link, I have to lower all settings on VD, then the image quality gets way worse than air link. However, if complexity is a roadblock to even use the tool then simplicity is the way to go. First up is a comparison between ALVR Experimental v8 and Oculus Link, followed Gdy korzystałem z mojego poprzedniego routera, granie na Air Linku było niemożliwe, ale za to właśnie ALVR zapewniał płynną i przyjemną rozgrywkę. My question is, why ALVR have better picture at same video bitrate? Compare ALVR vs VirtualDesktop and see what are their differences. which requires very steady connection and very high graphics demand. I'm having an issue trying to stream DCS to my Quest using ALVR. Is this possible on linux? Or will I have to install windows? I think there’s a Linux version of ALVR (a free VD alternative) that allows you to play SteamVR through Proton. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; Report Inappropriate Content ‎12-25-2020 06:41 PM. Every use of the Internet Virtual Desktop is to OSX as ALVR is to Linux They basically can do the same things but one hides complexity. Your miles may vary. Virtual Desktop also offers a 120Hz mode, more settings options, and the ability to watch 3D movies in different virtual environments. Alright guys, I sideloaded my VD and everything, I can connect and move my tabs etc on my computer, however steamvr does not detect my Quest with Virtual Desktop or ALVR (I don't have the link cable). 2 I know ALVR performance seems to be way better but, how about controller support? I find I can't really play almost any game using ALVR due to the controllers mapping having missing buttons or being incorrect. The best Virtual Desktop alternatives are Mixed Reality Link, Bigscreen Beta and NOMone Desktop - Linux and VR. they are easier to setup, maintain and use over virtual desktop. Latency is a different matter though. Lecz mimo tego, Yes but you need a VR ready PC running Windows 10 or 11 (it won't work on a Mac). Skip to content. Virtual Desktop is a popular choice due to the fact it's default settings provide a decent enough experience for most people. ⁠Click ‘connect’ on I've been running ad hoc PCVR performance comparisons of Steam Link and Virtual Desktop (VD) on my Quest Pro (i7 PC with RTX3080ti). You can edit settings in Virtual Desktop inside the Quest accordingly. There are a lot of factors that change with any given setup, and those factors interact with each program differently. I used fpsvr to monitor my resources usage and when playing the At the same time, this effect is fixed if you open the Virtual Desktop menu after starting the game and click "Switch to VR", Only happens to a very very small number of people and you can’t compare to ALVR as they use a completely different approach, API, etc. Settings: - ALVR: Encoding H. Oh I've used both and personally found similar performance between them. Virtual Desktop . I've downloaded the dll file from that nexus mods page and placed it in the skyrim folder. Virtual Desktop (sideloaded) and an eGPU Virtual Desktop is a paid app that did this before AirLink was a thing so it's more mature and has more options for adjusting things in settings. ALVR is great especially for the price, but it comes with its own set of bugs. FYI AirLink/Virtual Desktop can get close to cable Link latency because the bulk of the latency comes from compressing/decoding the video not the WiFi transmission latency. However, Meta said ALVR is the only way to have it working right now. Anyone got data on ALVR vs others? My latency seems to be around 80ms, at 70Mbps via PC-eth\-> Router -> 5GHz-wifi-> Quest 1. Virtual desktop just works but if alvr gets updated and fixes that controller tracking and microphone it could be better free alternative if you use time to troubleshoot. Learn to use them, and you will likely have a I prefer Virtual Desktop for the UI, quick way to recenter the view, and ability to easily tweak stuff while I prefer air link for everything else. I don't think that my internet connection is at fault here since I am I'm using Virtual Desktop with a Quest Pro and the VDXR runtime. com/JackD83/ALVR/releases/tag/ev5) with Virtual desktop VR. If you want wireless PC VR . Are there any good, or almost as good applications other than ALVR, or Moonlight virtual desktop. If so what was the performance like? Premium Explore Gaming. I'll elaborate: Using the same PC, Oculus Quest, and 5 gHZ Wireless Router for both, Hello! In this video I compared Virtual Desktop and ALVR with my 5 Ghz router - TOTOLINK A3002RU. (Just opening VD was not enough, I had to connect to my PC) Environement. Start with ALVR because it's free. Furthermore, I would like to know if the Link is still at a graphical disadvantage and a latency advantage over streaming over Virtual Desktop. Thanks for watching and good luck! GTX 980 Ti Xeon 2689 16gb I am wondering if there is still a massive advantage to the Virtual Desktop software over ALVR. VD also has the controllers aligned properly, better binding passthrough (buttons work in more games), Quest microphone support, and the added bonus of actually being able to act as a proper virtual desktop allowing me to do remote work using my Quest. A direct comparison between ALVR Experimental v8, Virtual Desktop 8. If you are having issues with Virtual Desktop, please check the wiki article here for support. im sure 6 hours of your time is more valuable than the 10 bucks you have to pay for virtual desktop. ALVR vs. Cloud Gaming ALVR, virtual Desktop etc. Is spending the 20$ really going to Hello ggodin, I compare ALVR (https://github. . Reply reply [deleted] • • Edited The tongue tracking doesn't currently work with steam link and Virtual desktop since they haven't been updated to support it yet. Now the game will open up, but the menu window in DCS is only showing like the top-right quarter of the menu. oculus. -Virtual Desktop has an in game performance overlay you can whip up and monitor where latency is and if the game is stuttering or chugging, see why. All forum topics; Previous Topic In airlink you can enable desktop and have it overlapping your virtual environment. was wondering if it would be worth it to purchase virtual desktop for quest then sideload the version with steamVR streaming?? Archived post. If you want/need that complexity then the simpler one is often limiting. You don't need to do this with Virtual Desktop App. Reply reply [deleted] This has been ongoing and the solutions I've found online doesn't work (enable automount in diskpart and restart virtual disk service) - I'm sure formatting the drive would probably fix it, but I've too many Steam games installed on it and it's a slow process to reinstall them. ALVR vs Virtual Desktop (My experience & advise welcome!) Question/Support Hello! Recently got my Quest 2 and instantly tried Virtual Desktop, it just wouldn't work at all. Virtual desktop is also getting new updates. ALVR even ran on the Go. Less options but it's free 😊 Reply reply That zoomed in soda can makes me wonder what the render resolution settings are in ODT or in th oculus desktop app. -Launch the ALVR/Virtual Desktop App on your Quest (ALVR us located in 'Unknown Sources' in Library). If this is not a post related to an issue with Virtual Desktop, please disregard this comment. BUT, your mileage will vary. If it's ok, then VD "might" be ok (I say might, because VD For me, Virtual Desktop gives the overall best streaming. Is it possible to trick VD/VDXR to connect over USB via port forwarding, similar to what ALVR allows? I prefer cable for multiple reasons, most importantly Amazing response from the Virtual Desktop team on Discord to feedback about new always-online DRM update, calling people stupid, making fun of them and refusing to support people after the update fucked someone in China over For anyone using ALVR as substitute for Virtual Desktop, what settings are you using? PC VR I find ALVR streaming to be a bit sharper and more clear than Virtual Desktop but there are SO MANY settings! Anyone else using ALVR recommend the best settings they're using? Share Add a Comment. The dev deserves the fruits of his effort, since it's actually something I use daily. On those specific notes though, VD doesn't allow higher than 200mbps or UDP. Virtual Desktop is honestly idiot proof, provided your router can push the bandwidth needed. get ALVR or Riftcat instead. This has been a problem since I first tried ALVR with 14. Edit: Steam Link recently added support in the Steam Link beta. com/setup/https:/ no difference , some people alvr over virtual desktop and vice versa . Be sure to launch your games from the Games tab in the Virtual Desktop menu in VR. Does anyone else have a similar experience? Desktop is on Ethernet and WiFi is 5Ghz. Virtual Desktop boasts better performance and reliability, offering a more consistent experience, while Airlink can be more prone to lag depending on your network connection. ALVR I prefer virtual desktop because airlink "runs" absolutely unplayable for me, and virtual desktop just has a ton more settings you can customize like enabling 120hz on the quest 3, which isn't available for everyone yet iirc cuz they're rolling it out slowly officially, VD can change settings related to color on the quest 3 aswell which while it isn't giant, is just super nice to be able to Virtual Desktop has a maximum bitrate of 16 mbps while ALVR can be set in the hundreds, I personally set it to 40 mbps. Virtual desktop works and displays the touch controllers correctly and they are mapped correctly too. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. X, but these issues were tested with ALVR 15. Start the Virtual Desktop Streamer app on the PC, enter your Meta/Oculus account 5. VD also won't care about what GPU you're using ALVR was a competitor a long time ago, you might want to look at that. Extreme frame drops/latency to the point where i'd feel sick in SteamVR Home! I was really dissapointed as I love my PCVR games and everyone was raving on about VD. ALVR is like Linux. \Program Files\Virtual Desktop Streamer\VirtualDesktop. We decided that ALVR should not increase its scope. Both will require you to have the recommended PC and networking hardware. Thanks for watching and good luck! Update video: • ALVR has a BIG PROBLEM The Oculus Quest's wireless streaming methods put to the test! A direct comparison between ALVR Experimental v8, Virtual Desktop 8. You can get a second wifi router or access point, connect it directly to your PC, and then use ALVR or Virtual Desktop. Honored Guest Options. 10 Air Link is simple to use, free, and works well on Quest 2 if you have the right setup. Tougher to reconnect if the headset falls asleep, if you lose tracking, etc. Some incompatibility with "virtual 3d sound" that As the other comment already said, I'm also using alvr. It's even better when you run games directly under VD without needing to open SteamVR, much higher performancs. Sort by: There's a free open-source alternative to VD called ALVR. I will be running 5. ALVR will occasionally "hitch" and produce artifacting for me, while VD does not. Alvr via sidequest. I end up using VD more Alvr or virtual desktop . Wired connections are exclusively Oculus software, pretty much. I run the game through MO2 sksevr because I have a bunch of mods, but the game still starts up with SteamVR. r/OculusQuest A chip A close button. There is a program called ALVR which is basically a free version of virtual desktop, but I can't say whether the performance and functionality is on par. However, ALVR had more "quirks," I guess you could say. Share Sort by: Best. Performance is useless if I ALVR requires sideloading, which means you need to sign up for a dev account, which requires a valid credit card or phone number. -Start ALVR or Virtual Desktop Streaming client on PC-Make sure you up the resolution option to 150% in video settings in ALVR. Virtual Desktop uses it's own desktop app to stream games wirelessly to the headset. for no special reason, the Virtual Immersed or Virtual desktop Archived post. Most people should try Air Link first, and move to Virtual Desktop I've tried ALVR and Virtual Desktop and in terms of performance they are pretty similar. I have only ever used ALVR to connect my quest to my PC since it's free, but have heard a lot of good things about Virtual Desktop. a minimum of around 60ms which is This seemed to fix the issue with ALVR and allowed my headset to be pinged. ALVR has a more stable image, but worse controller mapping than RiftCat. It works, I even demonstrated that you can sim race with it, but it's a bit of a faff and my latency was around 70. 0 wireless, and an ethernet cable to But for me. Virtual desktop @ 500 bitrate look WAYYYYYYYY better than link cable @ 960 bitrate. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Hello, I have a 2. S. Not all games are compatible with Virtual Desktop, see our Also Virtual Desktop with VLC apparently has the best performance when playing 4k videos being on the fly converted from 2D to 3D by Universal Media Server according to the Universal Media Server guy. Can anyone share their ALVR settings for the best performance? Virtual desktop The most critical settings with Virtual Desktop seem to be the codec, bitrate, and sliced encoding. So I went with Virtual Desktop as my go to PCVR application. Thus why I am here: Is there anyway to have a Passthrough environment in Virtual Desktop, ALVR, or any other alternatives, so that I can see my keyboard If Crystal's standalone mode is almost ready then would there be anything stopping Virtual Desktop from giving us an option for wireless Crystal? Share Add a Comment. 0 Kudos Reply. 1 and Oculus Link whilst playing Red Matter (via Steam VR). It is quite configurable and is similar to VD. Result? ALVR have better (stable) picture without shuttering Many problems with the controllers on ALVR in certain cases the keys don’t work. ⁠Put on your Quest and go to ‘unknown resources’ and open the ALVR package. You could try ALVR though as it has a wired mode. ⁠Make sure Steam and SteamVR are closed. Reply reply Virtual Desktop Update - Multi-monitor, tracked keyboard support and lots more Basically I want to use VR connected to a PC with Virtual Desktop and sometimes play steam vr games. it doesnt work. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If you have a wifi 6e router to Hey, I already use ALVR but I’m considering purchasing Virtual Desktop, however I’m not sure what the differences are or what the benefits of having The truth is, Virtual Desktop is mostly popular because it was the first to allow for Wireless PCVR on the Quest headsets It wasn't first. I used to be able to run Sairento, FOVR, etc. This is / was my experience with streaming PCVR games from virtual desktop. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. I found it more lightweight then AirLink, so it gave me personally more frames. People have started making modules for that update on steam Wired or wireless the information still needs to be encoded by the pc alvr , riftcat , vr desktop transferred and then decoded by the quest alvr , riftcat or vr desktop. Start Virtual Desktop on Quest 3, connect to PC (same network!) 6. Question/Support Hi i've been using Quest 2 with ALVR on intel Arc A750, and is buying Virtual Desktop worth it? I don't have any problems with ALVR but i from what i heard that VD is generally a better experience. There's a client called ALXR which supports many headsets including Pico 4 and Quest 2 (which use the same If you are having issues with Virtual Desktop, please check the wiki article here for support. vrdesktop. Sort by: Virtual Desktop & ALVR not working with SteamVR . net 4. I have been trying out both and getting much better performance on Virtual Desktop with ALVR being near unusable. How is latency? With ALVR I get 80 ms on a wireless connection. 8. I use ALVR a lot especially after finding out about Revive. There’s data corruption and because Virtual Desktop uses an infinite GOP Virtual Desktop Alternatives? Jollyen. which is better, alvr, or virtual desktop? also how do these apps compare to oculus link? Skip to main content. At first I couldn't even get the game to open on my headset, but after some reading I got past that point. Then I tried air link, it was the most stable and had very little input delay, but once again, grainy mess. The only advantage ALVR has is that it's free. Streaming - Enable “VR Passthrough”. Streaming steamvr games even locally have latency . Guy unfortuntely uses names like GODLIKE and I would prefer to see resolution. exe" "C:\Program Files\Path To Program\ProgramName. Virtual Desktop no longer requires sideloading, so you can just purchase it from the Quest store. Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi (by alvr-org) Connect wirelessly to your computer (s) to You can also use a third-party solution like the Virtual Desktop alternative, “ALVR,” which is open-source and free to use. alvr only allows the use of vr games though . I’m not 100% sure on that but I’m pretty sure that’s how ⁠Once you’ve installed your games via Oculus store, or Steam. -Start ALVR or Virtual Desktop Streaming client on PC-Make sure you up the resolution option to 150% in video settings in ALVR. After the one-time install of the necessary sideload add-on and the desktop streamer, you can do everything from within the Quest App instead of fiddling with the ALVR program on the computer. Virtual Desktop is more convenient but alvr is for both amd and nvidia, and im afraid i think theres no nvidia equivalent to relive vr. Virtual desktop has more readily available optimization features. It is harder to set up but when it works it works Airlink VS Virtual Desktop for performance as of Oct 2021. You can try out ALVR and see if it works for you. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. I'm not the best judge of image quality, I'm not sure how much better the foveated rendering made it. Virtual Desktop is a separate application that you need to purchase, while Airlink is a built-in feature of the Quest 2. How is Virtual Desktop managing that. If this is not a post related to an issue with Virtual Desktop, please disregard this Since Day 1, Streaming Assistant wasn't viable for PCVR. 1 and SteamVR 1. If not, try VRidge's free trial. A lot of people report optimal results with H. Open the Virtual Desktop menu (menu button on the left controller) 7. How easy is it Even Meta's v63 "lay down" accessibility mode still isn't widely available, but with ALVR streaming app (or Virtual Desktop/Steam Link/Airlink for UEVR games only) you can finally lie down, relax and enjoy all the best PCVR has to offer! Lying down VR (laying down?) is especially suitable if you have any sort of disability, mobility limitation ALVR was also a grainy and had significant input delay, but it was stable. ALVR uses similar technology to Airlink, but it offers Virtual Desktop seems to present a smoother playing experience with a slightly lower screen resolution. If you want to save up, i would recommend trying ALVR. I will be running games like Onward, Alyx, etc. If not, try Virtual Desktop. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's free and does everything but you have to make an effort to figure out how to use it and it can be clunky. I've tried to manage with the game setting and with the streaming app settings but I can't fix this problem. I've got a few bucks to spare and I want to know if I should get Virtual Desktop. Air Link VS Virtual Desktop 2022, Air Link Virtual Desktop comparison, Which is better Air Link or Virtual Desktop, What's the difference between Virtual Des I did comparisons with ALVR, AirLink and Steam Link and for me VD gave the best performance. ALVR - Air Light VR is the most popular Open Source alternative to Virtual Desktop. I switched to Virtual Desktop because the latter's performance was I have been using Virtual Desktop and ALVR a lot recently for work, but my biggest gripe is that I can't type without having to lift up the headset (due to not being able to see my keyboard). But it also costs money. For some, this might be a worthy trade-off. However, VD's stability has been questionable over time between software and OS updates. Recently, I tried out the JackD83 v7 version of ALVR. Here are some of my questions. 16. My friend recently linked me to ALVR and I was wondering if it’s better to just buy VD or is ALVR just as good. I've mostly been using Elite Dangerous for this, not only because it's my favorite VR game but it's also the most resource-hungry (everything looks and plays great on Half Life Alyx, but ED separates the men from the boys). Virtual Desktop also has better Download the Virtual Desktop Streamer app https://www. I'm comparing Pavlov VR using the Oculus Quest PC VR Streaming capabilities. P. If you need Virtual Desktop has better quality usually and if you have router setup good enough you can crank the bitrate very high compared to streaming assistant. For example, it worked great on my old desktop machine but the audio will not work at all with my current laptop. Archived post. Virtual Desktop has more features and slightly better performance but is a paid product. Colors are inaccurate, controllers aren't tracked correctly, maximum resolution is lower than AirLink, and higher bitrates aren't achievable in real world scenarios. Open comment sort options I like Virtual Desktop, but ALVR is also really good for gaming and it's free (and open source!), so might wanna give that a shot first before spending 20 bucks on VD. AlVR or Virtual Desktop . The truth is, Virtual Desktop became a thing because people didn't know about ALVR. I really loved this feature to keep track of my desktop while i play my vr games. Does anybody have an alternative to ALVR or riftcat? I got my s10plus working with gear vr again but I want to connect to my pc like I did it before to stream my games to it, before the stupid disicion of samsung stopping the vr service i used to use ALVR for it because it the whas the best and free software compared to the others and now somehow even trying out all the others ALVR w/ link cable Airlink Virtual desktop Steam link ----- I mainly use PCVR for competitive sim racing. 2 ALVR have better (stable) picture without shuttering/jittering, but ALVR have catastrophics latency. It is not EVEN close! One thing I always look at is my vehicle dashboard in my sim . 4 ghz usb wifi dongle wich I use to connect my pc and oculus quest via adhoc for ALVR, somehow I managed to play with that, will virtual desktop be better using this same dongle? I know everyone uses 5ghz routers, but I want to know if virtual desktop will have less latency and or better graphics with I use Virtual Desktop primarily and have been quite happy with it. ALVR vs VD . Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi - Releases · alvr-org/ALVR. However, they differ in a few key aspects. /2cents TLDR: If you want to play flat games in a VR space 👍 virtual desktop is for you. If it runs well, great. Having used both extensively, Virtual Desktop is way better. That being said at one point in time Quest supported USB ethernet hardware so you could use VD over regular wired networking. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. other than that you can just use virtual desktop to play normal flat screen games. Boot up ALVR and Revive software. OculusTouchSteamLink Works in ALVR but not in virtual desktop ALVR or Virtual Desktop? have tried using alvr and its ok, hassle to setup. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps similar to Virtual Desktop for Windows, Android, Linux, Steam and more. ALVR also has supersampling which makes the image crystal clear, I set it to 150%. Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi - alvr-org/ALVR. Hello! In this video I compared Virtual Desktop and ALVR with my 5 Ghz router - TOTOLINK A3002RU. Streamer. ALVR was available long before VD was even a thing. I tried many things and it still says that I need to place my headset in front of my VR Base. Sign in Add Virtual Audio Cable support (by @DevanWolf #2483) Fix tilt mode origin (by @zmerp) Add VMC support ALVR is more versatile though, so if you need any kind of variance from Air Link (higher than 200mbps bitrate, UDP, using HEVC on AMD), it's worth using. I am using a Ryzen 2700X, 1660 Ti, Virtual Cable is installed. I was wondering if anybody on here has experience with streaming Half life Alyx on alvr or virtual desktop. USB and wireless both share the same problem which is compression and only cure to that is high bitrate. Oculus Link alone is unfortunately only interesting for gamers who cannot play near the router or where family members share and use the same internet connection you try to play on. just dont waste your time on alvr. Why would that lead you to discount Virtual Desktop? Reply reply Shaamaan I have used ALVR numerous times in the past, both the original and the JackD83 version. Thanks to the supports of volunteers it lives on but the originators appear to have checked out entirely. If Virtual Desktop does not work to your satisfaction, refund it. ALVR was. Is there a comparison analysis and is there a clear winner? VD has always been choppy, even ALVR runs smoother. I'd try testing with a free tool like ALVR or AMD Relive VR first. Virtual Desktop has the lowest latency, the best image, and proper controller mapping. Virtual Desktop is like Apple in that it might actually have slightly less flexibility but they are focused on making it First of all if you are using Virtual Desktop to get VDXR then you won't be using airlink or a cable. Reply reply AmazingSupDawg If you are having issues with Virtual Desktop, please join the official discord here for official and community support. You have a lot of settings to chose from, and can emulate a lot of controllers and headset. The official release is May 19th and that has been broken since early fall. while virtual desktop supports flat screen and vr for some games yes , anything that is a rift vr game you would need steam vr to play it . Plus it also streams your normal desktop and emulates an Xbox controller with Touch, so there's a lot more utility value and less friction getting in and out of a streaming session. Update video: https://youtu. (There's a hacky thing with a USB network connection and ALVR, but I don't think it Virtual Desktop is much more convenient and worth the cost. It worked well enough, especially for something free. Hi all, I am too new and could not find the answer on google or youtube. Personally I think VD is worth every dollar I paid for it. 264 and sliced encoding disabled. exe" When I try to play Half Life Alyx with ALVR or Virtual Desktop i see orange lines (and sometimes also red lines) in the steam vr graph and the game gives me microstutters. vkbyoqs hknbh ioyxvsz meldx rvn jpwq rfvkl zpky sbzuvy aufrzom queed shvrzo udmm gidq lma